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Stijn last won the day on June 17 2024

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  1. @AlvaroYou're laughing? Academic research has shown that CH attacks have a circannual rhythm. You mentioned that in 2022 you had a few CH attacks around January 3rd, 4th, if I'm correct? There were 2 solar influences around that date: The Earth was at perihelion - its closest point to the Sun. Mars was at the same parallel to the Sun (see picture attached). If you wish, I'm always happy to take a closer look at your personal cycles. Send me a dm Stijn
  2. Hi, Some of you may be aware I did some research into the timings of CH cycles and remember that it is connected to solar cycles. Recently, it has become more and more obvious that the intensity of CH attacks "peak" whenever the Sun transitions from one sign into the next - whether this be in the sidereal or the tropical zodiac. If around the same day, the Sun is also "afflicted" by certain other planets, the effect is even stronger. In regards to this, I want to make a "forecast" for later this year. Anyone in a cycle around that time, beware of MAY 14-15 2025. The reason: around the middle of May, the Sun will be Ingressing into sidereal Taurus (sensitive point of transition), On top of that, Mars will also be in parallel to the Sun (affliction).
  3. Hi everyone. Some of you may know me from a few posts in the closed section of this Forum earlier this year, and remember that I’ve been doing some amateur research into the circadian and circannual rhythms of clusterheadaches. After months of research, I was able to identify what I think triggers migraine and CH cycles. Considering how to make this information generally available, I decided to write a story about it. (But don’t get it twisted: the story may be fictional, but the science comes from actual research.) Anyway, here it is: THE CYCLES OF THE BEAST Description: During a chance encounter in Lisbon, Will and Laura come to learn of a disease that has been described as “the worst physical pain known to man” - like being stabbed through the eye with an icepick. Patients call it “The Beast” and it attacks its victims in cycles that can last for months, to then mysteriously vanish as sudden as it appeared. When they spot a pattern in the daily and seasonal peaks of the Beast, Will and Laura know there’s a job waiting for them. You can get it through amazon here https://a.co/d/enpEemE
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