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  1. I’m totally late to this conversation. I’m suffering from the exact same problem. I’ve suffered from cluster headaches for 15 years. I’ve taken verapamil and prednisone a lot. Verapamil doesn’t really do anything, but I’m on a pretty low dose. I’ve been taking prednisone on and off for several years now. I was prescribed when my insurance would cover it and I thought I could finally rid myself prednisone use. But I’m wondering if Emgality isn’t causing problem I’m having. Ever since I started taking it three months ago, I went through a 30 day cycle with two headaches a day, which was unusual for me. I just took my fourth month of 300 mL of Emgality after not having a headache for a couple weeks. Now I’ve had two days in a row with headaches. What’s the point of this medicine if it makes our headaches come back? Admittedly, they’re not as bad or as painful as they have been in the past, but they’re still quite painful and inhibit my life. I don’t know what to do, does anyone know an alternative medicine I could recommend my doctor look into and prescribe me and move on from this one? Does anyone have any advice? Please help -Mike
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