Hi, Newbie here!
I have had migraine since I was 13 or so, which became chronic 12 years ago when I was 49ish. It has not been fun--eventually lost my job and my whole life is changed. Not a new story to all of you. I had a really great neurologist who had CM and was very knowledgeable and helpful. Unfortunately, she retired due to her CM last year.
About 4 years ago or maybe a little more, my headaches started changing, or sometimes they did. I kept getting these severe headaches that would wake me up at night that were not as responsive to the migraine meds. Eventually I tried oxygen and it worked! Hooray! However, no one is sure if they are really cluster headaches or some migraine variant. Oxygen doesn't help all my headache attacks, only a subset, which is what I call CH. Or since some of my doctors don't think they are clusters, I call them NPH for Nocturnal Pulsatile Headaches. However, they admit that they have CH features and seem to have some differences from my typical migraines.
In addition, I get headaches that seem to be related to superficial nerve pain--mostly occipital, that seem to be worse lately and, again, different than my other headache types. However, all 3 of these headache types have some overlap in symptoms.
I am not really sure what I am asking with this post. I guess I am wondering if others with multiple headache types have felt lost like I do and any advice would be appreciated. I do see a headache specialist via telehealth, but no longer have a local neurologist. There are no other headache specialists that are open to new patients in my state (Oregon) and I have tried to get into the Mayo Clinic and they aren't taking new patients either.
I know healthcare in our country is screwed up and I am a victim of some of that, as are many folks on this forum. Again, I know that CH is under-researched, under-funded, and that Clusterbusters does more for the CH community than any other entity. So, I thought I would become part of the community and see what I could learn. Thank you!