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  1. Has the CH community ever thought about a pre-planned legal fight to defend someone that had been charged with possession of any of these MEDICATIONS ?? I was just wondering if the CH community and/or organizations have ever stepped in to help someone that took or had in their possession MM (Or another alternative med)? I read in a thread somewhere that a man was arrested, charged, and eventually plead guilty to a lesser felony charge which left him on probation for years and ended up costing him alot of money. He posted that he wished he would've fought it against it tooth and nail because it was a MEDICATION that helps him. I personally know of some doctors, neurologist, and other 'headache specialist' that 'Unofficially' support the use of these MEDICATIONS for the treatment of cluster headaches. Some of these doctors are very well known and highly respected individuals. Are there any lawyers that believe in this and would be willing to step in to help that person PROVE that they had this for MEDICAL PURPOSES ?? I think a legal fight WITH THE HELP AND SUPPORT of fellow clusterheads, lawyers, and doctors might be a way to gain big time attention and awareness to cluster headaches and the treatment, or lack there of. It may even open the door for further studies into this as a real and LEGAL way to treat clusterheads. Opinions ?? And BTW, NO, I'm NOT in any legal troubles nor do I intend to be to unless I a had a bandwagon of support up front. If I had that kind of support, I'd risk it to raise awareness, to possibly help others, and to possibly change the law about using this as a MEDICATION.
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