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  1. My chronic pain therapist recently suggested I get an emotional support animal (ESA) and frankly seemed let down that I wasn't into the suggestion. I have two dogs and a cat. One dog is scared of my oxygen and the sounds I make using it. If I'm honest, sometimes I'm so agitated during an attack I don't want them near me because I'm afraid I might hurt them. At times I've questioned if I could even care for them if my partner wasn't in the picture. I don't know what a service animal or ESA could do for someone with cluster. I feel the tingle in my head and I make a beeline to my oxygen. Having a dog with me just seems like it would make that take longer. Does anyone have experience with this? My therapist suggested I get the dog not afraid of my oxygen trained, but my thoughts are more along the lines of it's time for a new therapist that listens to what my condition parameters and life experiences actually are.
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