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Many in US seek health information online

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"One in three US adults said the Internet helped inform their own medical decisions or those of someone they know, and only three percent said they or someone they know has been harmed by following online health advice."


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"Web is still no substitute for the doctor when it comes to a personal medical issue"

i beg to differ . . .

we are a species of many many years on this earth, and we have so much information and knowledge its almost useless to have in books, so we have this fast machine called a computer. chances are your doctor is online trying to learn something new as well

you go see your doctor, you see him for what 5-10 mins? not alot of information being shared or passed in that time, but ones time on the cpu is unlimited and its information is vast compared to what a single brain can share in a short time frame.

finding others with the same problem as you and understanding their experiences to help make decisions on your own choices will always win over a doctor IMO

doctors follow a protocol, and they dont know everything, they have a job to do and they do it because they need to survive just like us, and in survival if u have to go so i can live well . . . there you go.

yeah i hate doctors, its a grudge for what happened in my situation, but when i learn more and have more knowledge from the internet and talking to others with the same problem then a select few doctors  i know, in certain circumstances i find a MD inferior, cluster headaches being one

sure i hear people stand up for their doctors, i used to stand up for mine, but when something goes wrong in the hands of that doctor who you thought was your helper, your attitude will change

lets face it computer internet is our information data base, our main means of communication, it is essential and should be continued to be used as a valuable resource

there is a lot of good info out there and of course there is some nonsense, but that is where you have to be your own advocate

i dont want you to quit seeing your doctor, but i dont want you to stop using the internet for help either, combine the two and become more powerful with knowledge than both of them in their single state


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