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General anesthesia and CH is back


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Long-term chronic living the past 4 years pretty much pain-free thanks to mushrooms. I recently had oral surgery with general anesthesia and a few days later found myself dealing with CH like it was before busting. It seems, completely guessing, that whatever agent was used (haven't found out which yet) wiped out the good the mushrooms did. Just curious if anyone has had a similar experience or knows a bit more about serotonin, anesthesia, etc.

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After oral surgery, I woke up with one of the worst hits... but it was on my right side. I'm usually a lefty.

I know with me they put a breathing tube up my nose, since my mouth has to be clear the whole time. They put it up my right side because I told them my CH side was mostly left.

(I don't know if it made my hits worse as I was hospitalized and on pain meds for other surgeries.)

I know they used Fentanyl to knock me out, but it's never caused me any hits the other times they've used it to put me to sleep/sedate me.

I'd call whoever did it, and ask them what they used on you. That'd be the easiest way to find out.

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