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CHANGA HERB as Abortive, DMT mixed with MAOI inhibitors herbs, no need for super trip, micro dose extremely effective!!!


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This has to be written and informed to this community. I see it as my duty.

As many know, DMT is for many a good cluster attack abortive.

However, it is extremely difficult to smoke, tye temperature has to be exactly right and the dose is extremely difficult to get right.

Many don't have experience.

However, Changa, is a herb mixture, with MAOI INHIBITORS. Some hippies or people want to trip, take MAOI INHIBITORS anti depressant drugs when ingesting a DMT plant, or root, which lets the DMT not be decomposed or made ineffective by or metabolism, because actually DMT os basically in all vegetables.

But Changa, My last two episodes, have kept me going, because i tiny, smoke a really tiny pinch in a pipe or a bong, stops an attack in seconds for me. No crazy trips.

Look into it.

I can't do Oxygen anymore..

I am half dead. I won't live much longer. I also have Hemicrania Continua.

Busting is not working well as it should.

But at least i can stop the worst attacks.

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