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O2 for CH -URGENT-Please write to your Senators


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As Seen on American Academy of Neurology-


EXTENSION! Please Request CMS to Reconsider Oxygen for the Treatment of Cluster Headache


Your Help is Needed!

Several years ago the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS) decided it would no longer pay for oxygen for the treatment of cluster headache.  This is a serious hardship for many of the most disabled headache patients. Headache experts and the American Headache Society appealed to CMS to reverse this decision but they refused.

Consequently, we are turning to Congress, asking them to encourage CMS to reconsider this appeal.  As a result of these efforts, Nebraska Senator Johanns and Delaware Senator Coons are circulating a letter for all Senators to sign urging CMS to re-evaluate this situation.  To have the best chance of success, we need to have as many Senators sign the letter as possible.

Please contact your Senators and ask them to sign the Johanns/Coons letter encouraging CMS to cover oxygen for cluster headache.  Below is a sample template letter that you should feel free to edit. If you can insert a personal statement about how cluster headache has affected you, your family member, or your patient, the email will be more powerful.

The deadline for the Senators to sign has been EXTENDED until Thursday, May 22 at 5PM! 

Please contact them now.

Questions or additional information from you or your senators can be directed to: Ally Mendenhall (Ally_Mendenhall@Johanns.senate.gov) or Jonathan Stahler (jonathan_stahler@coons.senate.gov).

Here is what you should do:

(Cindy added this simple form letter link.  It's so easy!  The letter is written, you simple fill out your form and hit send)


Go online to your Senator's website. You can find the url here: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

Click on email Senator

Fill in your address and type in your request.

I hope you will take just a few minutes of your time right now to send this message and share this request with others.

Very truly yours,

Elizabeth Loder, MD, MPH

AHS President

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