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3 years cluster free


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I posted on this forum before but it was a while back and I cannot remember my password or e-mail that I used, so I created a new account! I suffered from cluster headaches for a long time and nothing at all helped so I started to experience with all sorts of remedies and I hope I now have the right recipe that works for me. I am sure it wont work for everyone because I think every case is unique but I would like to share it nevertheless and hope it could maybe just help one person out there. I started to use Cayenne Pepper tablets and Ginger tea on a daily basis and it somehow eased the symptoms and I used 2 Grandpa headache powders as soon as I felt a headache coming on. I came to India 3 years ago and I discovered Kadaknath Chickens, I read up about this so called super bird and all its health benefits and I started eating Kadaknath chicken eggs and meat. It’s been 3 years now and I did not have a cluster attack in this time. I use 2 Cheyenne Pepper tablets/day, drink at least 3 cups of ginger tea/day, eat 4 Kadaknath eggs/day, two in the morning and two in the evening and 3 times a week I eat Kadaknath meat. I no longer use headache powder. I am also diabetic and my sugar levels came down and are completely under control now, I take only one Metformin 500mg in the morning now and I’ve had 6 hba1c tests in the last 3 years and my sugar level is around 6.3 every time. I was also fortunate to find a farmer in my home country South Africa who is farming with Kadaknaths, the eggs and meat is a bit pricy but in comparison to the unbearable pain I had to live with, it’s worth every penny. 

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