I gave this a try last night for the first time and holy hell did it backfire. I'm 2 weeks into a cluster (they usually last ~3 weeks for me) and ran out of O2 yesterday (couldn't get it filled on a Sunday, but got it refilled this morning), so I called up a friend who's a mild pot head and asked him if I could get a nugget.
According to him, the stuff he gave me is "very high quality", and while it didn't work out for my purposes, I gotta say that it was incredibly potent and would have been enjoyable had the whole headache thing not been an issue. I hardly ever smoke, so I tried to just take a small hit on my first test run, with the intention of going bigger the next night if all went well.
Well first of all, the "small" hit had me coughing like a 14 year old... not sure if it was because it's been so long, or if the weed was really strong, but that was definitely all I needed to get crazy high.
The problem was that within probably 60 seconds I felt the beast come at me full force. I forgot to mention that before I took the hit, I had just started to feel the signs that an attack was nearing... seemed like the perfect time to see if the weed would abort it.
What followed was a night in hell. It was as bad, if not worse, than any CH I've had. Being high contributed in two main ways, one good, one bad.
The good was that it did somewhat numb me to the pain. So while I could tell that the pain was insane, I was able to handle it better than usual... if I were to say the attack was a 10, I'd say it affected me as if it were a 7... it was weird because I could definitely feel the pain as a 10, but I was so stoned that I wasn't in as much agony as I would have been otherwise.
The bad was that time seemed to drag by soooooo sloooooooowly. Holy shit it was torture... I kept looking at the clock, hoping enough time would have gone by for either the pain meds I took after the attack started to start kicking in, or for the attack to be nearing completion (they usually last between 1 and 3 hours for me). What seemed like 15 minutes would turn out to be 3-5 minutes.
So long story short: weed doesn't work for me, or at least, my first attempt went badly enough that I'm not gonna fck with it again.