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  1. I also keep a journal for every cycle. It seems like life stops for 4 month every year when the the ha's start but when they go away in october life starts again an I'm back to normal and quickly try to forget how horrible it was. When in cycle I analyse everything from my diet sleep patterns. To weather. Keeping a journal helps me remember what seemed to help and what didn't. Let's me know if things r changing or remaining the same. I have tryed so many things, medications and herbal treatment and I have read so many things that it all begins to blur together. But my journal helps me to sort it all out and keep my facts straight. Anyway, it helps me, just thought i'd chime in and say so.
  2. Thanks Ricardo and chfather I wish I would have read those post before ordering the salvia, I had put in a search for salvia and didn't see that. Doesn't sound very hopeful, but I am willing to give almost anything a try at least once. I guess I will be ordering the rc seeds next and hopefully they will work better for me than the hbwr.
  3. Wondering if anyone has had success with salvia. I tried busting for the first time with hbwr seeds. I used 7 seeds the first time and felt mild effects but had considerable releif. HA's went from 3 a day with high kip levels to one a day at about kip level 5 or 6. The reduction in pain was awesome, but short lived. By the 4th day after I was back to 2 a day but still less intense. After 5th day i tried 10 seeds, felt nothing and had no improvements. 5 days later have 2 a day but intensity is back up to usually 7 or 8 so try 10 seeds again. Felt nothing (except nausea) and no improvement. Tired of sanding seeds, starving myself, and feeling nauseous for nothing. Shrooms are not really an option for reasons I don't want to get into, but need something. I am so frustrated with all of this, I'm sick of it. I know ya'll understand. O2 has been a tremendous help but Its still an everyday thing and I still hate it and its still unacceptable. I've went from depressed to hopeful to pissed off. Anyway haven't seen much of anything on here about salvia, will probably try it anyway but just hoping to hear that it has worked for someone? Anyone?
  4. Chfather, thanks for the quick response. I have saved the post and made my order.
  5. Has anyone ever bought from ;world seed suppliers company; ? I have checked with some of the suppliers I found links to from here, but found out a lot of their stock is kept for an average of a year. If anyone can refer me to a supplier that you have had personal success with getting fresh seeds from, I would appreciate it.
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