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  1. Hey bb! I kept on with the pred taper + d3 vitamin, three days ago I lowered to 20mg pred a day BUT havent got hit once! I've been 3 days pf and my last episode (4 days ago) was very mild. I think this cycle is ending! I must keep on with the pred at lower and lower doses the next few weeks but I'm confident the beast wont be back (it would have been back by now ) I'll try not to get my hopes too high though because you never know how this bastard can suprise you again. Anyways, thanks for the advice! I'll let you guys know eventually if I'm out of the woods or not. And btw, as I am a med student, feel free to ask or tell me if I can help providing information or explaining concepts! Cheers !
  2. That song gets me to the other side always! loving this post Cheers and keep up those PF days! ( I hope to get pf soon, I think my cycle will end sometime this week)
  3. Well, yesterday I started to taper, going from 60mg to 40mg, as indicated by my neuro. As expected I got hit. It wasn't a strong hit but it was a hit after all. My fear that pred could extend the cycle was based on the comparison between my first and second cycle, the first lasted only 2 weeks without meds, the second lasted a month with pred and serious pain... But I get your point bb, this baby is unpredictable! I'd like to make an encarnation of cluster headache and wack the shit out of it with a bat! Maybe we could make it some sort of festival! Now I'm waiting to get todays hit... To see if it gets worse or better, I just hope this ends soon I'll seriously consider busting if this doesn't stop by next friday, got to get back on track with my studies. I've noticed that minutes before starting with a hit I start getting this weird palpitations on my chest. I asked my neuro last time and he told me it was probably a part of the same disregulation problem on the hypothalamus. Have any of you guys experienced that? Cheers and thanks for the feedback!
  4. It does help Bb, thanks a lot for your reply. I'll just see what happends. And yeah, I'm not touching my bong again till this is over . I'll keep you guys posted on how it goes with the pred taper. I don't know if I should pump it back up if it fails, couldn't that prolong the cycle? Has that happened to anyone around here? Cheers and thx for the support! There's a lot to see in Chile, it's a very long country with lots of beautiful places, so make sure you pay a visit someday!
  5. Hello everyone, I'm a 22 year old med student from Chile and episodic cluster since 2008. I wanted to introduce myself and ask a couple of questions regarding my current cycle. This is a long tedious post, and my case is not severe, but I really respect your opinions and would appreciate feedback on my handling of this. First of all, I've only had 3 cycles: 2008 March- lasted 2 weeks, 1 a day, usually right after awakening in the morning, about 9am, didn't used any meds, as I wasn't diagnosed yet. Got dg right after that though. 2010 June - lasted a month, after the first hit my neuro put me on prednisone 80mg a day for about 7-10 days, PF for that time, but when I lowered the doses I started to get 2 hits a day, meaner and meaner ( got an scaling pattern from 6 to 9, and one k10), used O2 to abort ( worked sometimes, wasn't doing it right though ) this lasted about 3 weeks till the hits went down and all stoped. This cycle broke me emotionally, although it's virtually nothing compared with what some of you guys must endure! This cycle : 2012 - April 17th, first hit, 9:20am aprox while in class. -Got hit again every day at 9:30 -10 am with moderate clusters. -On my 4th day, I started taking the D+3 regimen, the days after This the hits got weird: the clock moved to 10:30 and started lasting longer (30-60min) and if I slept after the hit (which is the usual, as I get reeeally tired) I get an extra one 2 hours later...this kills my whole morning and early afternoon. Fortunately, and probably because of the D3, all the hits that I had after the 5th day where mild (k2-3) or moderate (k4-6) and abort rapidly with O2 (15-20 minutes, 15lt, nonrebreather - my new baby) ...but I still kept getting them. -So on my 8th day I started my Prednisone holiday (60mg) so I wouldnt miss anymore classes or hospital rotations. Since then I have only had shadows and two incidents worth mentioning: on my 11th day I got hit twice while sleeping in the morning, I waked up at 8:30 to take the pred (too close to the usual hit-time), and went back to sleep...got hit at 9:45 (mild-30min), got so tired that went back to sleep, and got hit again at 11:45 (moderated-40min). The night before I smoked weed(had a great time, no pain). The second episode worth mentioning is today, my 14th day: I got hit once (k4-5) at 9am while sleeping, got it under control with O2 within 20min. This time I had taken my pred dosage at 7am and kept on sleeping until it awoke me. I decided to stay awake after the hit this time and the second cluster never came. Yesterday I smoked weed again. So now the two possible candidates for bringing back the beast are Mr. THC (although I had a great night yesterday!) and mr. Sleeping through the usual hit-time (the rest of my pred holiday I've been awake at this hours for the usual study-life). Tomorrow is my last day on 60mg pred, and I'm scared that the beast will come back with a vengace (as last time) when I lower the dosage to 40 ( for 4 days), then 20 (till further notice). I have continued taking the D3 regimen all this time, I don't know if it is working (hope so) or if this cycle will end soon... If it comes back I don't want to go on with traditional empirical prescrption meds as I know they can prolong cycles and eventually damage your body. So I'm thinking on going for a vitamin M bust (only available bust here in Chile), but I have my doubts as I recently used psylocibyn for recreational purposes ( beautiful experience!!) and got pretty near to a depression the moths that followed. This is all my relevant story till now, I wanted to know what you guys think and recommend if the beast comes back with its nasty pick... I respect this community a lot and your opinion means a lot to me! You are a wonderful bunch of people that have endured hellish pain, fear and anxiety, it takes a LOT to overcome this and I take my hat off to you! PFW to you all, Coop
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