Hello everyone, I'm a 22 year old med student from Chile and episodic cluster since 2008. I wanted to introduce myself and ask a couple of questions regarding my current cycle. This is a long tedious post, and my case is not severe, but I really respect your opinions and would appreciate feedback on my handling of this.
First of all, I've only had 3 cycles:
2008 March- lasted 2 weeks, 1 a day, usually right after awakening in the morning, about 9am, didn't used any meds, as I wasn't diagnosed yet. Got dg right after that though.
2010 June - lasted a month, after the first hit my neuro put me on prednisone 80mg a day for about 7-10 days, PF for that time, but when I lowered the doses I started to get 2 hits a day, meaner and meaner ( got an scaling pattern from 6 to 9, and one k10), used O2 to abort ( worked sometimes, wasn't doing it right though ) this lasted about 3 weeks till the hits went down and all stoped. This cycle broke me emotionally, although it's virtually nothing compared with what some of you guys must endure!
This cycle : 2012 - April 17th, first hit, 9:20am aprox while in class.
-Got hit again every day at 9:30 -10 am with moderate clusters.
-On my 4th day, I started taking the D+3 regimen, the days after This the hits got weird: the clock moved to 10:30 and started lasting longer (30-60min) and if I slept after the hit (which is the usual, as I get reeeally tired) I get an extra one 2 hours later...this kills my whole morning and early afternoon. Fortunately, and probably because of the D3, all the hits that I had after the 5th day where mild (k2-3) or moderate (k4-6) and abort rapidly with O2 (15-20 minutes, 15lt, nonrebreather - my new baby) ...but I still kept getting them.
-So on my 8th day I started my Prednisone holiday (60mg) so I wouldnt miss anymore classes or hospital rotations.
Since then I have only had shadows and two incidents worth mentioning: on my 11th day I got hit twice while sleeping in the morning, I waked up at 8:30 to take the pred (too close to the usual hit-time), and went back to sleep...got hit at 9:45 (mild-30min), got so tired that went back to sleep, and got hit again at 11:45 (moderated-40min). The night before I smoked weed(had a great time, no pain).
The second episode worth mentioning is today, my 14th day: I got hit once (k4-5) at 9am while sleeping, got it under control with O2 within 20min. This time I had taken my pred dosage at 7am and kept on sleeping until it awoke me. I decided to stay awake after the hit this time and the second cluster never came. Yesterday I smoked weed again. So now the two possible candidates for bringing back the beast are Mr. THC (although I had a great night yesterday!) and mr. Sleeping through the usual hit-time (the rest of my pred holiday I've been awake at this hours for the usual study-life).
Tomorrow is my last day on 60mg pred, and I'm scared that the beast will come back with a vengace (as last time) when I lower the dosage to 40 ( for 4 days), then 20 (till further notice). I have continued taking the D3 regimen all this time, I don't know if it is working (hope so) or if this cycle will end soon... If it comes back I don't want to go on with traditional empirical prescrption meds as I know they can prolong cycles and eventually damage your body. So I'm thinking on going for a vitamin M bust (only available bust here in Chile), but I have my doubts as I recently used psylocibyn for recreational purposes ( beautiful experience!!) and got pretty near to a depression the moths that followed.
This is all my relevant story till now, I wanted to know what you guys think and recommend if the beast comes back with its nasty pick...
I respect this community a lot and your opinion means a lot to me! You are a wonderful bunch of people that have endured hellish pain, fear and anxiety, it takes a LOT to overcome this and I take my hat off to you!
PFW to you all,