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  1. J, and any others wanting to debate... I'm not posting to this blog anymore. I use the word cure. I use it as my chronic cluster attacks have terminated for over a year. To me, that is a cure for the hell I was living in for 18 years. I'm not promoting any particular method of treatment. I'm only sharing for those that may find the info valuable. I know what Dr Shevel did for me worked. That is more than ALL the multitude of Dr.'s and outrageous $ I have spent in the U.S. that did NOTHING to help me. Finally, be aware that professor/ neurologist Speirings form Harvard is working with US neurosurgeons in U.S. to replicate Dr Shevels research & methods. It will eventually be an option for us in the US😊. Stay tuned...
  2. Deb Zale here... Just thought I'd share its now 1 year & 4 months that IM LIVIN' PAIN & FEAR FREE🎉😊. That's a cure for me!!
  3. I only post/share my experience for the awareness of others that may find hope & benefit for themselves as I did. I am SO glad I never saw the negative attitudes regarding Dr. Shevel before I went to South Africa... If I had, I may not have gone there. That would have been the biggest mistake I could have made. While at the clinic I personally met several former cluster sufferers from all over the world who I still keep in touch with & are also still pain attack free. Reading all the blogs that in no way represent the experience I, and so many others, have had at the clinic serves no purpose for me. I live every day forever & deeply grateful for all Dr. Shevel and his treatment team did for me. I am also grateful for having had a neurologist that fully examined Dr. Shevel's research, clinical trails & treatment procedures before I made the decision to go to South Africa. My Neurologist-Dr William Gooch of The Neurosciences Institute, Kingston & Albany, NY said to me ... "This is the most promising work being done to address the true pathology of this condition". I did take a HUGE risk... Best thing I have ever done & loving life free of pain & fear 😊
  4. Deb Zale here... And it's been 1 year & 4 months to date of my video... I'm still Totally cluster attack free!!!! I thank Dr Shevel everyday for giving me my life back... And I have had NO side effects or problems at all. After 18 years of living in hell, my only regret is I did not find Dr Shevel sooner.
  5. I wish I could attend the conference but I am unable to take the time off from work... I also wish Cluster Buster Organization would honor it's mission... to make sufferers of cluster aware of treatment, support, and research. However, I find that the organization places most focus on experimental & illegal drug use. I would have liked to be a presenter at this conference to bring awareness to the fact that successful, non-drug treatment & CURE is available and I am living proof it is effective. My chronic cluster condition history & treatment/cure success is fully documented in this video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrUI3ekMo_U It would be AWESOME if this video was shared at the conference so people suffering know there are more options for relief than drugs. Anyone wanting more details on my treatment experience & success can contact me at any time: deborah.zale1@gmail.com Best wishes for a good conference... and hope you provide members with ALL that can be done to help! I am celebrating 1 year & 4 months of PAIN FREE LIVING - Yahoo!
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