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Awww man, Sioux City is only an hour away too... didnt even know about the concert, bummer. would love to have seen him
I gotta say, my family got it. They've seen it many times, but friends.. most dont. And like everyone else they all have advice, I usually say, yeah I tried that, it dont work...  after hearing.. it dont work, it dont work, it dont work, it dont work.. over and over, all of their advice and ideas, alot of them get pissed and walk away, or say, "you think I dont understand, I get headaches too?" And I have to look them square in the face and say, "No...  you dont. not a clue. But hang around, you might witness one yourself, you still wont understand but you'll be a hell of alot closer. Im not being arrogant, its just the way these stupid things work. Im cursed to be "UN-Believable" untill SOMEONE see's it for themselves!!"... thats usually where I have to walk away before I start screamin at them and their arrogant ignorance... (most of these questions came between attacks, at family getogethers and whatnot, so I was already stressed to begin with) Some look at you dumbfounded like, wow, your kiddin right? A few, usually the loud and obnoxious types that like to strut their stuff, give you the.. Yeah right, your just tryin to impress people, routine. Which usually ends up gettin them a, "Do you think this is some sick, twisted badge of honor? That I like to strut around the fact that I have them? I would give anything and everything to be rid of them, and Moron, if I could give them to you to make you a bigger badder ASS... believe me.. you'd have them before you could say, Yeah right!!" The only friends that understood... well, even they didnt fully understand, but they knew they wern't your typical headaches, were my buddies Karl and Mike. Mike would let me crash at his place when I got cought in the city during an attack. And Karl, he just watched my back. He asked me once after an attack, "Isnt there anything you can do? I know you've tried alot of things but there has to be somethin." At the time I didnt know any better but I told him no..  he just said, "that sucks man. well, ive always got your back at any rate." And believe me, that meant alot...  then the punk slaps me on the back of the head and say, "Lets go grab a beer!!" and runs into the bar. He was a very unusual charecter.. thats why I liked him.
My best and worst day were on the same day actually. It was the last day of my wife and I's honeymoon. We went lake hoppin for a week, for our honeymoon. We started out from where we had our wedding at Lake Pahoja in IA. We said our vows on the lake side where we love fishin. And from there we started for our next stop, didnt get to far before the trailer tire blew out and tore out the tail light with it. We were able to limp it to my brother and his wifes place where his neighbor borrowed us his spare. It was a little late to go that evening so we ended up spendin our first night in one of thier kids's rooms..  We called it the "Spiderman Suite"!!!  ;D From there we went to Lake Poinsett, stayed three nights in the back of a camper van with the back doors open, facing the lake all night long... god that was heaven. Cought nothing but a couple silver bass smaller than the palm of my hand. Found out my new wife has a bit of a fear of large open water, didnt care for the high speeds either. And then I was pullin up the anchor and absentmindedly shook the water off my hands and heard this..  "TINK...  kerploosh", and knew instantly my wedding band was headin for the bottom of the lake. I screamed, SON OF A B****!!! I swear everyone on the lake heard me... my wife just laughed her ass off at me. :'(  s'not funny... Then we went to Lake Thompson and spent two nights there with the back doors open to the lake... God i'm lovin this. Here we at least cought something... well...  she did.................. :-? Anyways, she ended up hookin her first walleye just trollin around tryin to find anythin. After a bit more gettin bored of not catchin much, we decided to head to another spot but just troll there, so I cranked the wheel and when the bait turned, she nailed into this fish that tried to jerk the rod right outta her hands. She gets it up to the surface and I see silver and black stripes, I tell her, "Hey nice stripper love!" and as Im gettin it out of the water its mouth cranks open and I realize its a Crappie!!!  OMG!! THIS THINGS HUGE!! My mouth just hangs for a bit as I stare and shes like, what what what... I told her what it was and that its the biggest damn Crappie ive ever seen pulled out of the wild in my life. We ended up measuring it out on a couple tapes to be sure, but it hit 14 inches. I was so dumbfounded, my wife was kickin my butt at my own game. Didnt catch much else there, but we had a blast. Heres a pic of the fish http://fav.me/d2sn3x5 Then we moved on to Lake Carthage for one night, and I mean ONE night... It was to late in the evenin to move on once we got there and we only fished for a few hours the next day, mostly cause I was curious. The lake STANK! Bad. Heavy heavy alge smell, very green water. As a kid I found I studied details alot and it carried over for me, but one thing I noticed as a kid. when the boat cuts thru the water, no matter what color the water is... it splashes white. This place splashed GREEN!  , that and the Aquamarine Blue heads of foam did it for me, cant say ive ever seen that color on the water before... I did catch fish.. finnaly. First Pike ive ever caught on the first cast, I was intrigued. Caught a few more, tossed em all back... yuck. Still fun catchin em, deffinately an interesting day. From there we went to our last destination, the Missouri river, Platte Creek. This is where my trip gets bad. I used to come to this campground once or twice a year with my family, as a lil kid. I have alot of good memorys of this place, I felt like I grew up here. Torturing my sister with snakes and crickets, catching my first 7 lb Catfish at the age of 12 by myself. When I let the fish go, (yeah I let alot of my fish go), he left me a nice present on my hand that burned and stung all night long... its still on my hand to this day. I havent been to this place in 15 years and im excited as we roll down that familiar hill into the campground. The frist thing I noticed is the marina is gone, and the campgrounds are now half the size they used to be. A gate was installed half way up to the point where me and my family would always camp. It was open but the road was so badly degraded that we couldnt get down it safely with the van and boat so we opted for Snake Creek instead. Man i was pissed! > We get to Snake Creek and this place is nice, big bridge arcross the river, nice marina, good sites. My wife finnaly got pictures of deer shes been gunnin for. Shes an upcoming nature photographer, and the deer have not been cooperative for her, but she got a few mule deer and even a nice white tail buck. On our second day there, we decided to visit my families campsite at Platte Creek but took the boat this time. Took about 20 mins to crank on down there, my wife, white knuckled the whole way but smilein, she knew I really wanted to see this. For me, I grew up on the water in a small boat, I jump in and my body moves to the motion. I forget that others dont do that so well, thankfully she loves me. We get to the site and beach the boat in the bay, same one that I cought that Catfish in. My heart was pounding as I climbed up the hill to the point, its almost strait up. When I got to the top I bearly recognized the site I used to know, the roof for the picknic tables was gone, along with all the tables, grass and weeds growing out of the cracks in the concrete pad the tables sat on. Half the campsite actually fell into the river, the concrete parking blocks were in the water down below, not to mention where I used to park my tent. My mother passed away a couple years ago, so this was probably the biggest blow since, seeing my familys site in a state of abandonment and decay. I literally left in tears. I later found out the state closed that part of the park down due to heavy flooding of the river, witch washed out the road half way to the point that I would stay at. The last day we spent in the various bays along the river, and everywhere we beached the boat, the Catfish were biting like it was the last meal they would ever get. We couldnt sit still!! Id pull the fish off and hand her the pole for baitin, and would grab the next pole in the holder that already has a bite, hook and start reelin. I get him in and off the hook, drop im on the floor and hand her the rod for baitin, and she would string the fish while I grabbed the next rod and started reelin. We cycled 3 rods like that and in 2 hours got about 10 mins break total.. Every bay we hit was the same way, this was fantastic, Ive never hit Catfish like this before!! The last bay we hit we fished for an hour and got bored of that pretty quick. The wife goes for a walk on the beach lookin for things to take pictures of and notices the beach looks like its covered in glass. We do a lil lookin and find shards of crystals all over the beach and in the bluffs, big ones, little ones, perfectly clear ones, dark ones, all of a sudden were bent over like treasure hunters combin the beach. We later found out it was Mica, the bluff it came out of was yellow and there was a bit of a sulfer odor in the air. She got her first taste of "Big Water", as she calls it, on the way back to camp, nice 2 foot swells. BANG BANG BANG they slam on the boat and all the blood leaves her hands as she holds onto the gunwell for life. I was goin as slow as I dare in waves like that, but ive delt with 4-5 footers in my 16 foot boat before so I didnt have much problem with it. So we just putterd on back all slow like, nice half hour ride. All in all, aside from the visit to my familys old site, my wife and I had a blast and were planing on doin it again same time next year. And that would be, pretty much the best fishin trip ive ever taken.
lol Congrats David, god I remember my drinkin days, they hurt alot, but they were fun too...
Alcohol kicks my ass when im in cycle, hasnt done anything to me out of cycle that I know of or started any up. But what I DO remember about alcohol when I was in cycle is that they gave me the worst hits ive ever had in my life. Alcohol scares me to the point that I havent drank in decades.
I know smoking makes my hits worse, ive intentionally antagonized them with smoking to be sure. I know it doesnt sound smart, but I wanted to be sure. I lighten up on my smoking during cycle. But thats me and they act differently to other people so, who knows what they do to you... you could always test it. :-/ I know O2 works for me to, wonderfully!