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  1. Haha well I assume he just wanted a second opinion first. I'm not at Yale lol, but I have been to the building, and yeah man thats just awful. Brutalism was not a good thing. I actually go to school in a building thats somewhat similar (Idk if I should identify my uni) and my building seems to trigger attacks. I think its the stuff in the air, we use lots of solvents (xylene), toxic glues, and we have several laser cutters that cut by burning chipboard, acetate, museum board, and other things that really irritate my brain. Its hard to say, I've tried tons of things. In terms of like energy drinks I drink coca cola and sometimes if I have like a minor attack it seems to help. Although I'm not sure because if its a major attack that coca cola makes me vomit. I am seeing my primary doctor on Monday to see if he will switch my prescription to Sumatritan (according to my insurance packet sumatriptan is covered) and also set up the appointment with the neurologist who will probably prescribe the oxygen tank. Thanks so much for your post! I'm glad to find a community of people who understand. I feel like most of my friends have no clue that its this debilitating (unless they've seen me during an attack) its caused me so much anxiety and fear. I'm sick of it. I feel great to have this support here.
  2. Hi I am a new member here, and last year I as fortunate enough to be a part of an even similar to this called AIA: Grass Roots, where I acted as an AIA lobbyist and met representatives of the government and one of my congresswoman directly. I have her card and want to email her information or, spread awareness to her of this. I have no clue how to structure this letter or what to include or anything other than my own personal experience of living through this hell. Thanks for any suggestions and help. You guys are life savers and I hope one day all your hard work will pay off and our suffering will end.
  3. Well doctors haven't been extremely helpful at all. This is a new doctor I just started seeing who listened to my descriptions of my attacks and gave me the official diagnosis. He's been great. He however did not suggest an oxygen tank, but he has asked me to see a neurologist, who I now have a some time to see. I had accidentally discovered I had cluster headaches when I started doing LSD. I was practically abusing it, but I had discovered through my abuse of it, that I no longer was getting attacks. So I googled psychedelic migraine treatment and thats when I found cluster headaches. The descriptions matched exactly, every symptom. I was using LSD for awhile to treat my migraines, however I am a graduate student of Architecture, and I do not have the stress free consciousness, nor the time to do a LSD during the semester (obviously I also don't have time for the attacks either but I'd rather not have a panic attack on drugs) And to make things worse my LSD connection is gone, so I no longer have access to it, which is why I am trying to get legal medication now. But with these issues I've been running in to with insurance, and reading the issues you guys are having I'm deciding to go back to psychedelics but with magic mushrooms instead. I appreciate this website a lot, I was turned to it from Dr. Andrew Sewell about 2 years ago and finally decided to register and post, thank you for all these posts and research. Without it, I would continue to think TMJD is the worst disorder you could ever have. (Thats what I was diagnosed as the cause of my headaches for 10 years!!)
  4. I was finally officially diagnosed with CH and my doctor gave me Eletriptian, I went to fill the prescription and the pharmacist tells me its $200 for 5 pills and my insurance won't cover it. I am about to visit my doctor to see if I can get a tryptamine that will work with my insurance. I am pretty frustrated with the medical system in the US. I have been prescribed a slew of dangerous narcotics, but I can't get a safe but mind bending mushroom? Give me a break. I could easily kill myself with the Phenobarbital or the Bella Donna Alkaloids they prescribed me when they had no idea what was wrong with me. Oh and insurance had no problem covering those drugs.
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