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  1. and she's right it must be hard for doctors, even when they believe in busting they also have to be very careful not to lose their livelihood. i went to see the GP today and referred him to this web site and the recent spot on abc news boston, it helps that harvard medical school finally lending some credibility to busting but still a tight rope walk for doctors yes your right about the support. i hope that everyone out there has someone that can help them thru all this. i'm sure i'm preaching to choir about being in too much pain to deal w much. i'm human too. most days i can be a supportive wife, and others it pisses me off that he can't do much around house to help me and i'm the one who has to work full time. but sanity returns and i remember he didn't ask for this. he's working on the detox thing and apologized for future grumpy moods. lol seeds should be in by tmrw or fri. busting sat. i have a funny question.............mushrooms is something that he used recreationally a long time ago. has anyone found that they needed higher doses cz they had done this in the past? he's not afraid of a trip cz he's been there done that. doing seeds sat so we know he really won't get high on them. just courious cz planning on some farming
  2. jimc5

    Say What!?

    edgar allen poe might have had them.........makes ya think what he was dreaming ?
  3. jimc5

    Legal fund

    before ch i was a finance guy. yes as long as it's under CB's 501c corp its is a tax deduction. yes we we need a treasurer and a way to invest the money until needed. love the ideas !!!!!! we're in
  4. nasal lidicaine has helped the hubby long term treatment s only thing?? no just another tool in the tool box makes it numb long enough to get imitrex out look up abc boston channel and then type in cluster headaches in search they got it right!
  5. We have been lucky and unlucky. My husband has suffered with regular migraines we "think" since about 12. of course they were diagnosed as sinus headaches and allergies for years. it was not until he met me and had an attack and needed a dark room....my kids said oh you're having a migraine. Then in July 1994 he had his 1st ch attack. i don't know how long it lasted but i do know that from then till now...he has only had 7 months completely free of all headaches. he had gotten his hopes up that maybe they were gone for good. he's turning 50 this year and i remember we were told when they started that the average was 30 to 50 and he got them at about 30 so we were hoping.... then in may of last year he started a new cluster 4 to 5 a day anyways the first time he became aware that it was a migraine and not a sinus infection, his GP went and got a huge book and read it to us and prescribed ???? don't remember what it was but it was recommended. hubby and i hit the bookstore and i was lucky enough to be aware that there was a migraine clinic in the area and got him an appt. the GP always said i don't know, not my speciality but wanted to know ever piece of info we got. this was back before the Internet was as widely used as it is now. that migraine clinic had hubby sacked out on all kinds of drugs that he ended up doing the junkie nod. stadol and a list of at least a dozen more. i ended up contacting the author of some of the books who took him on as a patient. hubby is lucky he has me to fight w insurance companies and threaten the ER that we are walking if they don't give him a shot after 4 hours of questions. the author ws 4 hours 1 way, so we found another local doc who unfortunately threw narcotics at him too. then a magazine article led us to another migraine clinic, then that doc left and they referred us to another amazing doc. she was the 1st to do the botox with us. unfortunately she moved on to greener pastures but ended up referring us to this amazing doc who my husband just loves. he is aware of research and believes in people helping themselves. he is aware that hubby has tried it all and knows that this works. he is also aware there are legal ramifications. with all this said. hubby retreated to bedroom hours ago cz crunching all day when not at the 7 level. i have been reading this stuff all night and just ordered 500 seeds and i am going to order a new mask after i finish this i was looking for something like this back in 1994. just someone that REALLY knows what he goes thru. thank you everyone for all your help wife of ch sufferer
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