Dr. J
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The future of BOL and Entheogen Corp.
Dr. J replied to Psiloscribe's topic in Research & Scientific News
Hi CB'rs - so, thanks for all the support and eager interest in BOL-148. We just got some further great press on the local ABC News - Channel 5 in Boston: "LSD Pill May Help Relieve 'Suicide Headaches'" http://www.thebostonchannel.com/video/30425314/detail.html I know the wait is from any patient's perspective - unacceptable. Lives are hanging in the balance for medications that work as we believe BOL-148 appears to. Heck, this is why Clusterbusters was needed to begin with. Still, it is necessary to go through the legal, proper development procedures as set forth by FDA and its European Union counterpart. We are striving to do all we can to make this go as fast as we can. Yes, that does mean we need to raise money still. But take heart that we are making progress, too. If the "worst-case" scenario is a venture-capital deal - I will still be so completely grateful that we found a real way forward. Right now, we do have some options and this is getting worked through. What Ricardo posted above- well, it would be wonderful if we could do all the heavy financial lifting on our own independent of VC - but VCs exist because they do serve an important function: VCs are willing to commit serious $$ to an industry - biotech - that have all sorts of risks associated with any such drug development investment. In short, I remain very positive for this year and excited for what should get done in 2012. When we all meet later this year in Las Vegas for the Annual Meeting of CB - I hope everyone will agree that we are seeing the walk get walked and some real development milestones clearly getting mapped out and moving forward. The "right" deal here is whatever gets BOL-148 legally available as a medicine in the absolute shortest amount of time - so if it is WITH VC - then please so be-it and I'll even say some nice prayers of gratitude for all of them involved. One final (small but important) request, I think it is just simple politeness that direct email correspondence shouldn't get in-part or in-full re-posted to a forum that is open to the public without prior consent. It's completely understandable to want more information but y'all just need to ask. I'm trying to do whatever I can and won't ever stop. Yours, Dr. J -
Hi All - Please check out our News File: http://www.entheogencorp.com/evolution/ In it you'll read how much we are trying to raise at this stage of the company's development. People who are interested in helping directly or indirectly, can either fill out the contact form: http://www.entheogencorp.com/connection/ or can register in the patient or doctor registries: http://www.entheogencorp.com/headache-sufferers/ http://www.entheogencorp.com/medical-professionals/ The specifics of BOL as well as the inadequate treatment options for CH are ideal for pushing hard to GET THIS DONE. Brew wrote: "The difference is that MD and MS kill. CH does not." While of course I understand what Brew is getting at and also that Brew knows what I am about to say: CH does kill. Please let's all be vigilant for suicidality. Time is very much a factor and MUCH more so than perhaps for any other disease. Why CH? The pain. Yes, it should always have been Enemy #1. It is. I look forward to saying a lot more about all these threads at the next Clusterbusters Annual in Chicago in September, 2011. Always, Dr. J
Hey Dan and Denny: Both of you: Thanks. I also meant no disrespect and totally "get it" that when it comes to CH pain: let's get rid of the pain and deal with the aftermath afterwards. I don't want to see anyone suffer. But a little collaboration from all of us to do this right could help ensure we get to help the MANY CH'rs out there who don't have the benefit of clusterbusters and it's many wonderful active activists. Dallas D - with funding in place - I am definitely willing to bet ya that we'll have BOL in prescription form long before you pass those Pearly Gates. I definitely want the path that leads to the best for getting rid of CH for as many people as possible. If a few of you go around "the system" in this case and then somehow get hurt, things are going to get more complicated and costly and more will suffer in the end. I can't predict if such concerns are a bunch of hooey or valid, so I am asking people to help refocus our efforts where they should go. Once Entheogen Corp has the right amount of funding, I could easily imagine that we'll have a BOL trial up and running here in the States... "soon." What does that mean? Ugh, don't you all think I'd like to be more specific, too? I would and do and we are working HARD at this.
All of you CUT THIS OUT NOW! First up, Entheogen Corp contracted THC PHarm to manufacture it. It is available for research purposes only out of THC Pharm: AND WILL NOT BE SOLD TO INDIVIDUALS. Next: The dose we experimented with was around 3 MILLIGRAMS. At $1000 per 10 mg... that is $1000 per person. BUT... THC Pharm will not be selling to any individual... only legitimate researchers. AND this stuff is NOT manufactured for human medication use. IF they sell it to anyone for such purposes: they are violating the patent that we have secured on BOL-148. In short: if you want to see BOL get to market the fastest: go to www.entheogencorp.com and register at the patient registry. Even better: help us find investors so we can move this along even faster. We all know that it is ESSENTIAL to get BOL to market ASAP and to make it available as a research compound within a CH study here in the USA even MORE ASAP. It might never get to market however if people start gaming the system and destroy its development through illegal manufacture, distribution, and patent violation resulting in definite litigation. 10mg DOES NOT OFFER TREATMENT FOR MORE THAN ONE PERSON. THC PHARM WILL NOT SELL THEIR NON-HUMAN USE BOL TO PATIENTS. Questions: Place them to entheogencorp's website or email me directly. I hope this helps clear up any remaining questions. I HOPE YOU GUYS WILL HELP US FIND MORE INVESTORS. BEST and always, Dr. J
Hi all...The drug is 2-bromo-lsd. Because of reports of low-dosing with LSD and psilocybin proving effective for some people and also because of other reasons, I thought it could prove useful to evaluate a non-hallucinogenic version of LSD and see what would happen. If it didn't work: even clearer argument to evaluate LSD. If it did work, it still helps with further evaluation of LSD and psilocybin and potentially we've gotten a new treatment. Well, well... we were happily surprised by our results! Clusterbusters paid for the synthesis of enough BOL for treating 6 people - and we have data now on all 6. The data was presented at the International Headache Congress in Philadelphia in September as a poster and also was presented at the Annual Meeting of Clusterbusters later that month. The full manuscript for these results is on it's way to being published in a major peer-reviewed medical journal focused on headache and we'll keep you posted on that. Most other direct costs for this little study were absorbed by my colleagues and me. But none of this would have happened without Clusterbusters support all along for me in the hallucinogen-side of this research and more. We've come a long way already but also have a long way to go... especially to make sure that we can as quickly as possible bring BOL and other Clusterbusters-championed treatments to market. Aragosta is correct that 2-bromo-lsd has other abbreviations: BOL, BOL-148, but also 2-bromo-lysurgide, and others. Take LSD and at the R2 position attach a bromine atom and presto! no hallucinogenic effects at all... but apparently that bromine doesn't block the anti-CH properties of LSD. And so... we can give a MUCH LARGER dose of BOL than LSD... and we have. 2-3 mg dose = 2000 to 3000 micrograms.
The show was AMAZING! It should really help on many levels. I hope National Geographic will grant permission for us to host online just the cluster headache section. For those that missed the show: IT RE-AIRS at 7PM ON Saturday November 7. DON'T MISS IT!!!! ;D [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Dr. J
Well, I sure hope tonight's show turns out well! They flew me out to Germany so that they could speak with both Torsten Passie and me together and also then to include our colleague Matthias Karst with one of our subjects... I hope we'll see more traffic to the clusterbusters website and especially for making donations! best, Dr. J