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Everything posted by Lallangoti
Would be nervous to try it, but there's some site (Chinese owned I think) advertising sales of BOL 148 out of a place in Michigan as "research" chemicals. http://www.farms.com/classifieds/seed-feed-crops/other/2-bromo-lsd-bromo-lsd-1p-lsd-bol-148-for-sale-120651.aspx
Thanks for the feedback.
I've never tried it. Is this taken at first sign of pain or taken as a daily med? I ask because I see side effects listed are constipation and fatigue. I battle chronic fatigue any have sensitive gut - but am willing to try anything once.
I have had migraines for 30 years and have had some successes with keeping them at bay but recently while traveling had a ton of migraine. But worst of all while on a 24 hour flight back from Asia - I started feeling dizzy and could not get my balance, as if I were super drunk. Started vomiting. Luckily a doctor on the flight gave me an injection of anti-nausea drug. But last two weeks since getting home - I have had TERRIBLE migraines every day, tho they are kind of tapering off. This is the first time I considered myself to suffer specifically from "Cluster" headache. Anybody here had experience along these lines?
What is the nature of the trial?
Thanks - lots of useful info in that thread. I bought a bottle and have been taking it for 3 days (at night) and what headaches I do have are very mild and mostly go away on their own. I purchased a hemp based one - but am curious to try ones made from the Harlequin breed to see if it's more effective. Will have to make an excuse to fly out to Colorado or California for a day or two.
Watched a CNN report on pain relief with CBD the non-psychoactive part of cannabis. Anybody tried this? It's available in tincture form.
Been reading that purine is a trigger for headaches and thinking that my migraines have become increasingly chronic since I started eating meat on a more regular basis. I'm going to do a month off meats and see what happens. Any feedback?
1. Seeking Persons Committed to Spiritual Development to Participate in a Study of Mystical Experience, Meditation and Spiritual Practice Researchers at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine are seeking volunteers who have an active interest in exploring and developing their spiritual lives to participate in a scientific study of the combined efforts of meditation, spiritual practice and the entheogen psilocybin, a psychoactive substance found in mushrooms used as a sacrament in some cultures. The study will take place over six-eight months during which volunteers will be encouraged to initiate or maintain daily meditation and spiritual awareness practices. Volunteers will also receive careful preparation and 2-3 sessions in which they will receive psilocybin in a comfortable, supportive setting. Structured guidance will be provided during the session and afterwards to facilitate integration of the experiences. Volunteers must be between 21 and 70 years of age, have no personal history of severe psychiatric illness, or recent history of alcoholism or drug abuse, and have someone willing to pick them up and drive them home at the end of the two psilocybin sessions (around 5 p.m.). For more detailed information about the study, visit www.bpru.org/spritual-practice. If you would like to discuss the possibility of volunteering, please call 410-550-2253 or e-mail spiritual-practice@bpru.org and ask for Maggie, the study coordinator. Confidentiality will be maintained for all applicants and participants. PI: Roland R. Griffiths, Ph.D. Protocol: NA_00020767 06.06.2011
Scary new legislation in the US :(
Lallangoti replied to TimeBandit's topic in Research & Scientific News
With more high-tech cameras utilizing face recognition programs appearing daily on street corners all across the UK - I honestly don't think the Brits have much to brag about in the Big Brother category. Remember this is a proposed change - not an actual one. Nonsense like this comes up in the Congress and the Senate every day only to get voted down. I have a lot of Brit friends and they constantly complain about the English Nanny State. I've dealt with anal English law enforcement and continue to prefer good old New York cops any day. -
Preliminary report - experiment with GABA
Lallangoti replied to Lieutenant2's topic in General Board
Yes - I had got anxious for a short while the first time I tried the Gaba. I though maybe I was getting results at first but that hasn't been the case and the Gaba (even taken solo) has made me gassy and cramped and generally disrupted my digestion. So I'm giving the Gaba a pass. Re: Clonopin... I weaned myself off (after taking it for 2 months) that recently after a bad bout of incredible stress due to a huge cluster**** spate of bad luck and being victimized by idiots in the business world. I know Benzos (unfortunately) too well and can say for sure that as the dose of Clonopin wears off at the end of its cycle - the slight withdrawal will trigger headaches. I was trapped in that dismal cycle from '78 - '88. Also (my theory) some folks can take benzos for years for anxiety and remain at a steady dose, never building tolerance. But people in chronic pain - will always end up building a tolerance and getting addicted. In truth - when I hear doctors say that some people can take them for years without getting addicted - I tend to think that's a myth... like when the doctor tells you, "Here, you take this as much as you like. It has no side-effects."Â : I mean, wow, how many times have we heard that? -
Just found out via blood test that at some point I'd acquired antibodies to these. Weird, because I've never had any symptoms other than every few years I might get a cold sore in the winter. Researched it and turns out that severe headache and jaw pain is a typical symptom that gets worse with age.
Preliminary report - experiment with GABA
Lallangoti replied to Lieutenant2's topic in General Board
Will give it a try. I haven't slept through the night since 1979 'cause of BEP. Actually the first time I ever did a yoga class I slept un-interupted for that one night 19 years ago and then never again. I don't doubt that my inability to sleep through the night has skewed my brainwaves in some fashion that is causing the headaches as the commencement of the two issues coincide. I can't deal with sleep meds. All have too many side effects and are so freakin' addictive. -
Preliminary report - experiment with GABA
Lallangoti replied to Lieutenant2's topic in General Board
Preliminary report - experiment with GABA
Lallangoti replied to Lieutenant2's topic in General Board
Just to be clear - I wasn't taking melatonin. The magnesium was being taken for more relaxed sleep. On a hunch I did a quick search for Gaba and diarrhea and there is a correlation. Regardless - I intend to try the Gaba solo as soon as my digestion normalizes, as there has been a definite decrease in intensity of my headaches over the last two days. -
Preliminary report - experiment with GABA
Lallangoti replied to Lieutenant2's topic in General Board
Took Gaba for a few nights - and woke up with a nasty case of diarrhea. Partly I'm sure because I was already taking Magnesium citrate for better sleep. Magnesium, Gaba and Melatonin all have an effect on the digestive tract. I used to travel to India 4 times a year and would take Melatonin for sleep issues upon return and always would end up constipated when I'd discontinued the Melatonin. So I will stay off of both for a few days and try the Gaba again by itself. I should mention that it didn't totally get rid of my CH - but yesterday was quite bearable and today more so. A large improvement actually - considering I've been suicidal from the pain the last three weeks. -
In a city this big there's gotta be.
Preliminary report - experiment with GABA
Lallangoti replied to Lieutenant2's topic in General Board
Thanks LT2. - I will. I saw your post and got so excited that I had to run out and buy some right away and I took it about 40 minutes after breakfast - at which time I already had a headache. I did get a bit of "flush" but it was mild and lasted perhaps 5 minutes. I remember taking un-buffered niacin back in the 60s and the flush was really traumatic! This was nothing much to write home about, side-effects-wise. Anyhoo... I will try again tonight before bed-time. Frequently I have gone to bed with no headache and woke up the following morning feeling the H.A. coming on at breakfast time, and thought somehow it was related to my sleep patterns. Funny thing... with all my life experience - I can't really say with any precision - (baring fasting 24 hrs) what constitutes "an empty stomach". -
Preliminary report - experiment with GABA
Lallangoti replied to Lieutenant2's topic in General Board
Hi and thanks for posting. I'm really intrigued. I've had headaches since the late '70s. I got addicted to Valium which kept them at bay for 10 years - but of course ended up with a massive habit (120mg a day) which was miserable to detox from. I got clean and sober in '88 and my headaches were intermittent and at worst I could lie down with a fist full of Advil and a hot washcloth. Then I started going to India several times a year around '94 and I began to have episodes of chronic fatigue and more frequent headaches. I went to the best headache guys in NYC and zilch. Over the last 10 years they've been getting worse and Fioricette which was so effective seems to have become less effective, even if I don't take it for weeks. I've been lurking on this forum for two years and have only posted a few times. I have tried the RC seeds without any real noticeable results. I took them again last week late at night before bed and had nausea and cramps and unbelievable gas all night. I never noted till today - that I was supposed to take them on an empty stomach. I did however get a little relief about 48 hrs later. In the last few weeks I have been desperately contacting old hippie/Wavy-Gravy friends trying to score some shrooms - despite how much I don't like psychedelics - but with no luck. Been begging my pals in Amsterdam to send me some on my Fedex account - but they all have these freaking paranoid visions of America as a facist state and are worried that something will go wrong causing black-suited Swat teams to fly to Amsterdam to waterboard them. ;D Then this morning I saw your post and immediately jumped on my motorcycle and went to the local Vitamin Shoppe and bought some Gaba. Part of the reason I got so excited is that when I was suffering from anxiety and depression after a course of antibiotics taken to rid myself of amoebas picked up in India - I had a customer in my shop (I sell musical instruments from India) who was a surgeon. We were discussing an excerpt I'd read about a Harvard study on the way the use of antibiotics can cause anxiety and depression - and how 99% of doctors are totally clueless about this. The doctor told me he was amazed at how few physicians know about this. He told me he'd read a paper that said, in short, that excessive use of antibiotics cause damage to the Gaba receptor sites in the brain. So when I read your post THE LIGHTS WENT ON! I took 3 of the 750 mg Gaba tablets about 15 minutes ago and am experiencing hot tingling as if I'd taken a dose of straight Niacin which I tried taking years ago for anxiety. It is uncomfortable - but I'm sure it will wear off. More later. -
As a person who never really liked acid beyond the first time I tried it (1967) I find myself wanting to know if any place in the USA is doing trials etc. with this stuff. Have tried some seeds and not had results. I don't have the patience (perhaps not wit) to grow mushrooms, and have had no luck finding anyone here in NY who can obtain shrooms. If anyone knows of a facility in the States doing legit research with the 2 Bromo form of LSD - I'd like to know about it. Thanks, K
Thanks for the clarification!
What exactly is a "pina"? Thanks in advance. L
Hi All - I tried to do a search on this but could find nothing here on the board. I'd tried to buy mycobags and syringes from Earth's Tongue and the stuff never arrived. At another forum I checked out several folks said they were slow and unreliable their products were not fresh. In the meantime - I have decided to try the HBRW first before shrooming. Can anyone recommend a reliable seller? BTW - I tried RC seeds and they did seem to help - tho not right away. Currently I am experiencing some bad headaches but they seem clearly to be related to a very strong antibiotic I am taking for relief of giardia I picked up in India. But I have been largely headache free since Christmas - or at least when I have head discomfort - it is ignorable. I have decided to try the HBRW instead of shrooms for now because I have been experiencing anxiety issues - but I think they are related to the giardia and the three courses of heavy-duty antibiotics I've taken to combat this stupid amoeba.