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Jeno Peterson

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  1. 1. Are you: A. Chronic 2. With the understanding that there are many factors affecting CH, do you feel that the D3 regimen: A. Did nothing or nearly nothing for you. 3. If you experienced positive results, how long were you on the D3 regimen before you experienced them? I have suffered clusters for 18 yeas now. (Twice a year, 2-8 weeks, at least one headache per day, 4am, almost like clockwork.) I was not really aware that there was a "regimen" but I have been taking 10,000 iu D-3, 3-4 mg Omega-3, a Super B-Complex, and 20-30 mg of Melatonin for years. My Doctor got me started, the D-3 is a no brainer if you avoid sunlight (I do). The fish oil and Super B help with my digestion. The muscle spasms I get in my face make it very difficult to eat. I drink most my meals, and I am NOT talking Budwiser. Bottom line for me, nothing stops them. I have taken just about every drug on the list. Some, in super high doses under the supervision of my neurologist. The side effects scare me, but not as much as the pain does (I wake up, waiting for the CH's once they start.). And, there seems to be no way to avoid the triggers. Light, sound, smells, stress, basically anything in normal day to day life can trigger a headache. In the last 4 years, I have been getting more migraines in between clusters. Botox is the next thing they want to try, but I just don't see many positive results in the trials I have read. I hope you all have better results than I have. Jeno
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