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the Boston Globe had this great article - please review http://www.boston.com/business/healthcare/articles/2010/11/06/start_up_searches_for_cure_to_headaches/
My CH husband purchased 1000 seeds and only received 400. No returned calls or emails not from iamsham - but the other place - be careful - we just got screwed outta several hundred dollars!! very good to help him sleep - crush a few before bed and within 30 minutes - gets a good 4-6 straight hours of sleep.
Dam Dallas You can't stay outta trouble can you.... My prayers are with you and yours and feeling the blessing of your safeness. X MrsRobinson P.S. RC in da house.... give a shout! You know where I am. Much Respect! Peace..........
Hi Suffers & Caretakers; My husband's Neurologist attended the conference; came home and told him to start declining ALL prescribed medications - Verapermill, Lithium, Migranail, Liodcane; & pain meds - basically he said "there is nothing I can do for you" you need to get some L.... D. His doctor NOW has a clue! Thank YOU everyone who put the conference together - perhaps we can make the next one. I'm on a quest for RC Seeds & Hawiian Baby Wood. I can not find anyone who'll ship to the US. I am only seven hours from Canada - but before I make this journey - I would like him to try these before I go and get 1000+ seeds. SOS - would anyone consider sending 10 of 1 or both for him to test drive? If it works well, I will gladly drive there-ship to my hotel room and come home. Any costs incurred I will gladly reimbursed. With this, directions of what to do with them.. make a tea, grind, etc.... I will also be as generous as possible to CB.com with donations. This is a little tougher. His disability is in appeal review and the stress of waiting for a decision is almost as bad the CH its self! Any direction is greatly appreciate. My heart and love goes out to you a suffer and you the caretaker. Vernon wants more than anything to be able to go work. His entire life has been turned upside down - and as a woman, can not imagine what a 'man' is going through. My sincerest, Mrs Robinson
Is this a safe place to purchase seeds from UK to US?
Hi all - Who has a device inserted - Onsi (sp?) Will you talk to me about it - my husband is considering this next to end the pain. His med list is off the hook. Another member told me he's on so much medication - that's why the O2 won't work. verapermil migranal spray lithium lidocaine spray several cans of O2 a day nexium simvastin hctz xanax and 2 pain medications all in massive doses. he can not just 'stop' taking everything - but if we taper everything down - would this device help? thank you for your advice. I love this support group! Hugs Deidre Yes, I know - his doctor is a moron/asshole
I have some luck sprouting TC. But the local wild rabbits bit all the heads off... I will be trying again, next January....
just 1 bunch - i'm still trying - i don't like the time - it took 3 months to get this little guy going. 2 of my 3 i tossed because i saw green mold. very frustrating, but i have to keep trying - life depends on it....
Follow Up Post: Our little ones grow up so fast … sort of… MrsRobinson Three techniques 1. Cake 2. Rye berries 3. Organic compost Sterilized Environments Removed everything from the bathroom Used plastic bag to tie up shower curtain Sprained Lysol everywhere Used surgeon gloves, painter’s hood to cover head/neck, mask, and shoe covers Turned shower on HIGH for 20 mins. before starting injection process No pressure cooker. Improvised! • Very large lobster pot • Water enough to cover jars 1/2 way • Placed a small cake pan so glass didn’t touch bottom of pot • Brought to boil and slow boil for 2 hours • Let cool over night Glove box(large enough to hold 15 sweaters) A large plastic bin that I drilled 2 large holes about 5 inches from the bottom. The goal is to place your jars in the box and inject jars inside the box. Heated with hair dryer - tough plastic to cut. then used box cutter to smooth edges and duct tape around entire hole. with more tape, added glove I had lots of trouble with my ‘glove’ box. So I just did it out in the open in my sterilized bathroom and prayed. But it came in handy later. 1. Cake 16 0z jar 1. Mix cup of cup brown rice flour; cup vermic; 3/4 cup distilled water 2. Wet consistency, not dripping 3. Fill jar 80% leaving inch at top for vermic fill up 4. Sterilized o Funny; I was not/never able to connect the sharp to the syringe. I cut the top of the syringe – used the sharp needle point to press a hole into the syringe tip. 5. brought everything into my sterilized environment and opened the top of the jars – press the syringe into the cake far enough to see the water drill down the side. Top back on and set aside. 2. Rye Berries 32 0z jars 1. Soaked grain for 12 hours 2. Drained for 10 minutes 3. Rinsed and drained again 4. Steps above 3. Compost (just trying something for fun – mushrooms grow crazy in my yard – unwanted!) Not recommended – no confirmation yet 1. Mix of compost, vermiculite and a little perillite 2. Used 1 syringe of spores – injected in 4 corners and center Cake & berries are resting in long plastic bin (the ones advertised to store sweaters under your bed ) long and rectangle Fill box ½ way with water I have a ‘stick’ fish tank water heater All 33 jars in different stages (times I injected) are sleeping in 75 degree water covered with black garbage bags. Water temp always kept at 75. Shrooms like warm wet places to grow I have birthed 3 jars. I use my glove box as a growing box. I pipe in humidity from a humidifier using one of the glove holes. My little cakes are in a small box with 3 inches of wet perillite. Frustrated nothing was popping up I finally picked one up and saw roots and little tops. I was growing upside down. I turned them over and now they are growing fast. Every 3 hours I turn the humidifier on for 1 hour. My ceiling lights now have 2 grow bulbs. I leave the light on about 18 hours a day. I regularly spray (mist) my babies with distilled or boiled (sterilized) water. When I say fast – I mean fast. Over 1 day 1 mushroom doubled in size. Now they are still very small but it won’t be long now. As for my jar bathtub – I was struggling to get my cakes to spread around the whole jar – after 4 days in the bathtub – 1 jar that had growth on both sides ( but not touching ) touched. The cake is solid. You can see how the spore has taken over the jar almost completely. I am going to hold it for another 10 days before birthing. Items & Costs… I learned the hard way and by making mistakes. I have lots of ‘others’. Example – 8 oz jars are tiny. I now only use 32 oz to get the most out of a grow task. 4 extra boxes… black, white and clear… I’ve spent about $350 mistakes included. What I have (needed) is: 1. 1 clear plastic box $10. a. how you keep your moisture levels is up to you BUT KEEP THEM UP - I used my glove box and a small pipe from the fish store to direct the steam into my box b. I will use the ones I over purchased to birth c. Humidifier $15. i. I keep the cover on when turned on (extra $10 monthly electricity) ii. I keep the ceiling light on always (extra $10 monthly electricity) 2. 1 long storage box depending on the number of jars $15. a. I have 33 jars in different stages $13. for 12 jars 3. A fish tank heater either mat or tube submersible $25. 4. Sterilization equipment (gloves, head cover, alcohol to wipe on your gloves) $20. 5. Vermiculite $15 6. Perillite $10. 7. Flour (grocery store health food section) $3. for two lb bag 8. Organic Rye Berries $40. for twenty five lbs (nutsonline.com) 9. Compost $8. 10. Spores $15. each (I like to get 6 each order) a. If you can get the needle thing to work – alcohol the needle then flame it before each new jar I will be getting 24 more 32 oz jars to start again. My rye berries should produce enough so I will be able to shake some of the rye berries into new jars. This will save me $$. Example: in 1 32 oz jar, get your spores to grow. Shake jars regularly so they don’t stick and make a cake. Once all grains have spores grown on them – shake some into a new jar. It will take a little longer but will work. My last piece of advice; if you’re going do this – buy in bulk and cash; even spores. I like Ralphsters. Extras keep well in the frig. Trustworthy and provide good direction for recommended spores. Tell them CB sent you. I wish you lots of luck. And if I can do it – you can too!!! Trust me…
Our little ones grow up so fast.... sort of...
MrsRobinson replied to MrsRobinson's topic in General Board
IF ANYONE has unusual growing techniques - i would love to read them!!!! i have had limited success but suspect my next will be terrific. my friends (mentors) told me can't speed it up. i hate waiting!!!! so close and yet so far. please share any techniques i may need to try also - to sufferers and those caretakers - remember - there is hope! my husband is very close to suicide almost every day. the opiates prescribed do nothing - but if you can hold on - relief is possible. don't let go.... there are too many people who love you and pray for your relief and peace. i can honestly say - without my mentors (DallasDenny, Bob & Ralph)... today would be so bleak - they gave/give me hope, guidance and understanding. I pray for you and your caretaker. And I thank God for blessing me with three angels. MrsRobinson -
Our little ones grow up so fast.... sort of...
MrsRobinson replied to MrsRobinson's topic in General Board
More to come - but here's a gist of it... Items & Costs… I learned the hard way and by making mistakes. I have lots of ‘others’. Example – 8 oz jars are tiny. I now only use 32 oz to get the most out of a grow task. 4 extra boxes… black, white and clear… I’ve spent about $350 mistakes included. What I have (needed) is: 1. 1 clear plastic box $10. a. how you keep your moisture levels is up to you BUT KEEP THEM UP - I used my glove box and a small pipe from the fish store to direct the steam into my box b. I will use the ones I over purchased to birth c. Humidifier $15. i. I keep the cover on when turned on (extra $10 monthly electricity) ii. I keep the ceiling light on always (extra $10 monthly electricity) 2. 1 long storage box depending on the number of jars $15. a. I have 33 jars in different stages $13. for 12 jars 3. A fish tank heater either mat or tube submersible $25. 4. Sterilization equipment (gloves, head cover, alcohol to wipe on your gloves) $20. 5. Vermiculite $15 6. Perillite $10. 7. Flour (grocery store health food section) $3. for two lb bag 8. Organic Rye Berries $40. for twenty five lbs (nutsonline.com) 9. Compost $8. 10. Spores $15. each (I like to get 6 each order) a. If you can get the needle thing to work – alcohol the needle then flame it before each new jar My last piece of advice; if you’re going do this – buy in bulk and cash; even spores. I like Ralphsters. Extras keep well in the frig. Ralph has been (for me)Trustworthy and provide good direction for recommended spores. Tell them CB sent you. -
Hi All; I very wise man told me once "Relax, It's just a lowly fungus" and he was right. Thank You Dallas Denny! You are a true human being - very humane. I will always put you in my prayers Before I begin-Special Shout Out THANK YOU to Dallas Denny, Bob W. and Ralph(sters). You three have pulled me from a pit of darkness. I still have a long way to go – but at least I’m going in the right direction now. I am a wife of a chronic sufferer. For years his C.H.s has been getting worse. The most recent episode started August, 2009. In total about 5 days within these past few months he had a remission. ONLY 5 days out of 24 weeks. Stuck on opiates because he has nothing else. An Angel sent a care package. After figuring out the right dose/level he found relief for 2 days. The second time was awesome. Vit. C 1/2 hour before and/or a big spoon of peanut butter calms the stomach. What I learned was the goal is to get giggly! So don't be afraid. My next post is a list of my highs & lows during my growing processes. I am very EXCITED that I am having some success. I am sharing this in hope that someone reads my mistakes and does not repeat them. Time, patience and devotion are key ingredients. My devotion is to make medicine to save my husband’s life. Also, to have a straight list of how, what, when and how much…. But start with watching the video!!! Everyday he is ready to end it all. I am relentless with possessiveness and support. Each time he sees a new doctor; each time is let down. What a real kick in the teeth when you see a doctor and stereotypes kick in – big black bald football player size and first impression from the doctor is … ah here’s just another doper… Arrgghh... I just want to frigg’n beat the S**&*$T out of doctors like that. That and doctors have lost their humanity. I think people should only see ‘resident’ MDs – they not been beaten into – I don’t care anymore; just pay me mentality. My prayer is that everyone finds peace. We are still trying to get there and if you read my next post – I hope it helps you find peace when you make medicine. Learn from my mistakes!! Take care, MrsRobinson
I take the lupron shots, but I'm here because My Husband is a CHs sufferer. I would get off the Lupron asap. Have laprascopic - which i did before the lupron. I have endrom & fibroids - massive. Very painful and x2 periods per month for 10 days.... to say the least - not much fun. Laprascopic is slightly invasive, but I was up and around 2 days later. And lasted for 5 years. My prayers are with you. deidre
Funny - No Never No One Has Ever sang that song to me.... Never... NOT... it's ok... if it makes you happy. My name Is Mrs. Robinson. Thank you very much for the tip. We have a long way to before that treatment. Husband is on super heavy narc. Weening down now - about another 20 weeks and should be ok... by then I should be ready with alternatives. Was told by some wonderful people today to up his O2 to 25ml. New Rx called in today and hope to have the next canisters tomorrow - thurs at the latest. We have to start slow and here.... too much at risk with intermingling.... don't want to waste any new therapies. Thank You Leslie for the welcome. In the past 24 hours I have got more help, support, understanding than 10+ years of neurologists! THANK YOU EVERYONE. loves and hugs. Deidre R.
Hi. My husband gets Rx for O2. And he uses a company Lincare. When he has had to travel - Lincare has sent O2 our hotel rooms and to family homes. Lincare http://www.lincare.com/products-services/products.html#oxygentherapy I was recently told by other CH members that your regulator s/b one that goes up to 25ml and you need a special mask w/ bag - no flow(??) Good luck and take care. This place is the best! Deidre
hi. i am the wife of a suffer. he currently has had his episode since about june of 2009. many many medications - oxygen - nothing stopping it. does anyone know of sporesstore.com - are they ok? thank you deidre