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Everything posted by IMBonkers

  1. Hey there everyone, this is Mike. My father is Ron aka Bonkers. He has been on this site for the past year or so in an attempt to help me gain some relief from my chronic CH. I have written and even spoken to a few of u on the phone. First off I just want to say thank u from the bottom of my heart to everyone that has written to me. Ur kind words and encouragement has done more for me than u will ever know. Before finding this website I was always down and never felt like I was ever going to see an end to this horrible place I had found myself in. I wish I could take all the CH that everyone here has and make it my own so no one would have to suffer in the ways I know all of u do as I do. But at the same time I am thankful that I don't have to be alone in this. Just knowing that there is even one other person in this world, let alone all of you, who has experienced this and is pulling for me, gives me more strength than I thought was ever possible. EVery night I talk to my mother on the hone to say good night. She always asks me how I am doing and my answer typically is always not good or even horrible. As any loving mother would she tells me she is sorry and she wishes there is something she could do and me being the loving son replies with "I know and u don't need to be sorry, I love you." One thing that has come to me through all this is that if by me having to live with CH keeps even one other person from having to and in the process maybe help even one other who does have to, then I would live this exact life a hundred times over. Everyone of us has some burden in our lives that we have to deal with and I've come to accept that this is my burden and I know that when I make it through this I will be better and stronger for it. Not just because of the pain I have had to fight through but also because of all the wonderful, big hearted people who have been there for me. I hope that in the time ahead I am able to be there for all of you and maybe even help just a fraction of what you all have done for me. Who knows, maybe through all this we can find a way so that no one has to ever endure CH again or at least not feel alone or helpless because of them. I love you all and to those we've lost, we continue to endure in your memory. Mike
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