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  1. Hi, I just want to say good luck on your venture. Why do people and doctors say no when nothing else helps. Why would you not try? I believe there is no brain surgery, they work only on vessels outside the brain. After all the so called legal medications that just ruin your internal organs, I believe it is worth a try. Good luck, cant wait to hear how you go
  2. booj

    New procedure

    Thanks guys, I know this is a scarey option. I appreciate your response.
  3. Hi everyone, Has anyone heard about Dr. Shevel who is head of the headache clinic in South Africa. Last week there was a report on his treatment. Sounds very encouraging. He cuts off blood vessels in the skull and cauterises. Is anyone familiar with this treatment. We are thinking of flying to South Africa this week from Australia. We are seeing lots of healed patients. Any thoughts? Urgently awaiting responses, thanks very very much.
  4. Hi Everyone, Just a quick message to anyone in Australia. Wondering if there is anywhere we can get seeds. Thanks for your time and look forward to speaking to anyone out there. The mushies are creating huge hangovers and lookin for the next option. Love Booj
  5. booj

    I`m back

    Hi Tingeling, Its not working for my daughter Booj, she is still having three a day. She has not had a pain free day for 12 months. I don't know what to do anymore, I think we are both becoming suicdal. By the way my name is Narelle. Cn anybody tell me how long to keep trying.
  6. booj


    Thanks everyone once again for your information. I agree with you, we must commit to something. Booj is just not convinced yet, : I keep telling her about you guys.
  7. booj


    Thanks everyone once again for your information. I agree with you, we must commit to something. Booj is just not convinced yet, : I keep telling her about you guys.
  8. booj


    Hi Everyone, Booj's mother speaking again. Sorry I have not been around but we are still having trouble finding amounts of mushies so she can do three doses in a row so we are still not having much success. This time she had two doses and in the last two days since taking mushies her attacks have increased again from three a day to eight a day. She is having trouble believing it is actually helping her. Latest specialist appointment have suggested Neurontin. Does anyone know if this will affect the mushies, she has not taken it yet. Thanks I really appreciate being able to talk to you guys. Looking forward to hearing from anyone.
  9. booj

    Beta Blockers

    That's great advice but we can't get seeds in Australia. Thanks
  10. Hi Everyone, Just wondering if its possible or even smart to have a Beta Blocker Injection while waiting to Mushies to come into season. Thanks
  11. Hi fellow Australians, I am desparately trying to find some mushies in Melbourne, dried or fresh. I know they are not in season but if anyone could help I would really appreciate it. Thanks Narelle
  12. Hi guys, Just wondering if there is anyone around in Melbourne or Sydney, would love to chat.
  13. Thinking more of a sleeping tablet for the flight, thanks Bob
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