I did in previous cycles suffer throughout the day, even more so before I got my GP to give me O2.
But this time, maybe due to MM and DALT, they have stayed away apart from an odd morning or early evening low pain attack. Nocturnal wake ups have been hard to kick. Not too sure that MM managed any more than a few extended PF hours overnight. When I talk about ghost, I mean, the nasal congestion is there, the eye is starting to ache and a throb in the jaw/teeth is just noticeable. When I hit this with O2, it all goes quite quickly 2-10 mins. Waking in the night, it varies in intensity, can be good can be really bad - but all have been knocked away by O2 quickly enough, once I have been woken.
Possibly, it is end of cycle, will know in a few days or so. Hopefully, I have found a combination of treatments which will allow me to manage the cycles better next time when they return.
Of your patients, out of interest, did you get them to get a Vitamin D3 reading ? Mine was down to about 30, but GP's just said - its uk - D3 is all over the place in this country.!!
With, MM, I pretty much felt a few slap-backs, and found them more intense than the clusters I was trying to abort, the ghost from DALT ( if that is the cause ) - was negligible in comparison. I think DALT at 25mg will be my first port of call next time.