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Everything posted by rhizz

  1. rhizz


    thank you :-) i have been reading that section its very helpful. im so sorry about your condition. i suppose there's always a bad thing behind good thing. i joined the site to help me but i now read how bad others suffer and its hard to read it knowing you cant do anything to help.the only thing i suppose is that we're all here for each other and thats fantastic im still a little worried about the surgery option i think i may try everything else first lol.
  2. rhizz


    that's sounds terrible im sorry you've had this for so long. this cycle started on the left side (my usual) but last 2 weeks its hit my right side. i wasn't sure what to think at first. i cant wait to speak to the neurologist i can imagine how much more helpful he will be compared to my gp. i will be more comfortable talking to someone without feeling like they think im exaggerating.
  3. rhizz


    lmao :-) i have enquired with my doctor about the injections but he's currently stopped my sumultrapan till after the MRI (28th this month) so we will discuss after then on which i could use. im not happy with his decision to be honest its not fair i have to endure an attack (not that the sumultrapan was that good anyway) my first cycle lasted about 4 months (almost 2 a day) then i had a few months with no shadowing or attacks. this shadowing has just come up since October with the odd attack. i understand completely what you mean, after have no info at all in 2 years about this condition im now being flooded with so much. its fantastic to know there is others i can talk to now. I MISS DRINKING COFFEE lolol i used to drink it all the time (during the cold weather) but i cant more then 1 or 2 small cups now :-(
  4. rhizz


    i will try the energy drinks thank you although i love coffee i've found most trigger my attacks :-( well i cant really sorry i dont know much about this i've had sme useless docs in last 2 years but i went to my doc recently told me its now chronic. i've had this shadow non stop 24 hours since october :-( im currently take sumultrapan tablets 100mg and amitriptyline 10mg i also have a spare imigran nasal spray as a back up but only 1 as doc doesnt want me on to much sumultrapan :-(
  5. rhizz


    OK now I'm learning all the terminology i would like to ask. i've been getting a shadow (bruised/pressure) on my left eye (cluster side) non stop since october. from the moment i wake. i'll still get attacks but even when the attack has faided its still there. does anybody else have this constant shadow?? can i stop it some how. i know its not enough to take meds for it i only try to take meds when its bad. its just an annoying feeling it being there non-stop i have chronic clusters btw
  6. hi psiloscribe thank you for your responce i dont usually get awoken by my cluster unless i've had a sleep in past 11am lol i took it about 30/45 mins before i went to bed i've noticed no difference but been told to wait between 2-6 weeks to see effect if there are any. ok i see because recently i have felt it on my right side for the last 2 years its been consistantly on my left side. will mention to the dr when i see him next
  7. hi just wondering if anyone knew when i should take this amitriptyline i've been told before bed but not sure how long 15 mins? 30 mins? and hour? also my other question is is it possible for a cluster to switch to the other side of your face?Â
  8. hi hipshot thank you i will talk to my doc about it but i dont think he's gonna do anything my best bet is to wait to see the nurologist which shouldnt be to long no appologies please :-)
  9. excuse my spelling please lol im not usually this bad
  10. thank you bonkers you guys are great i live in london and there is actually a nurologist that specializes in micraine and clusters i've heard he's fantastic, i have asked to possibly see him.
  11. thank you very much for your responce i have loads of questions lol its amazing to find a community, for two years i felt alone (i know it sounds stupid) but the docs gave me no advise and after 2 years i finally came across a group of people i can actually relate to. my first question i would ask is do you have an experience with amitriptyline as i have 2 babys boys i would not want any drug to effect my family life anymore then the headaches do :-( i hope the same to you and thank you again
  12. hi i was diagnose with ch by my gp about 2 and a half years ago i am 23 in december when i was diagnosed he just give me normal paracetimol (absolutly useless man) anyway i suffered the pain till my cycle ended in october i started getting them again im at a new gp now and i think there starting to understand, they've organised my MRI and will start sorting things properly after that. since october they have changed slighty they dont come on sudenly like they used to i ussually get an inkling one is on it way. but i seem to wkae up and spend all day everyday with a constant small pressure behind my eye like an attack except its not painfull enough to take meds so its a constant weight i'll get an attack possibly twice a day at around 11am and 9pm at the new gp they prescribed me 50mg of sumultrapan because im underweight i then begged to get stronger ones i now have 100 mg, but these dont seem to have to much of an effect anymore. i was given the imigran nasal spray but only 2 doses i went back today and he said he doesnt want me taken to much of the stuff so he's given me the sumultrapan tablets again and amitriptyline an antidepresent but only at 10 mg. i have been suffering a bit of depression recently especially since my cycle restarted. i hope this new tablet will help i've taken 2 100 mg sumultrapan in the 2/3 hours and its not helping. i mentioned oxygen treatment but he pushed that idea out the winder very fast. im hoping to see a nurologist soon after my mri hopefully he can help. does anyone else have the lingering pressure ?
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