i was diagnose with ch by my gp about 2 and a half years ago i am 23 in december
when i was diagnosed he just give me normal paracetimol (absolutly useless man) anyway i suffered the pain till my cycle ended
in october i started getting them again im at a new gp now and i think there starting to understand, they've organised my MRI and will start sorting things properly after that.
since october they have changed slighty they dont come on sudenly like they used to i ussually get an inkling one is on it way. but i seem to wkae up and spend all day everyday with a constant small pressure behind my eye like an attack except its not painfull enough to take meds so its a constant weight i'll get an attack possibly twice a day at around 11am and 9pm
at the new gp they prescribed me 50mg of sumultrapan because im underweight i then begged to get stronger ones i now have 100 mg, but these dont seem to have to much of an effect anymore. i was given the imigran nasal spray but only 2 doses i went back today and he said he doesnt want me taken to much of the stuff so he's given me the sumultrapan tablets again and amitriptyline an antidepresent but only at 10 mg. i have been suffering a bit of depression recently especially since my cycle restarted. i hope this new tablet will help i've taken 2 100 mg sumultrapan in the 2/3 hours and its not helping.
i mentioned oxygen treatment but he pushed that idea out the winder very fast.
im hoping to see a nurologist soon after my mri hopefully he can help.
does anyone else have the lingering pressure ?