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San Isidro

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Everything posted by San Isidro

  1. Before I knew anything about busting, I had a theory that anthing I could do to break up the rythm of the clusters would help. It seemed like the more regular the clusters were, the longer they would stick around. So I used to try radical disruptions to my sleep paterns. Like I would stay up for two days straight, or only sleep for two hours at a time. It never killed the cycle but it did seem to affect the pattern, and it did seem to end the cycle faster than doing nothing at all. It wasn't scientific, but I'm sure you all know how it feels to be desperate enough to try anything. And that's my 2 cents worth.
  2. I am a genuine, certified, bonafide, pot head. When I'm in a cycle, pot can be a trigger for me if I smoke too much. No matter what kind it is. During the worst cycle of my life I was willing to try anything and I quit smoking pot all together. It didn't have any effect on the cycle at all, but it did seem like the clusters were somehow more harsh and unforgiving than before. So I went back to smoking pot. And after a nasty cluster it deffinitly helps me to relax and feel normal again. But in my 25 years of having clusters, and my 20 years of smoking pot on a pretty much daily basis, I have no evidence whatsoever that leads me to believe that cannabis can prevent clusters. But it sure does make them easier to deal with.
  3. I never really thought about it until I read this, but YEAH. I did have quite a few really vivid highly detailed dreams. I rarely have nightmares, but I rarely have dreams I remember the next day. But now that you mention it, I did have quite a few just before this cycle. Interesting.
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