6 yr ECH sufferer here....self diagnosed last year. After so many years of WTF! Had tried accupunture, massage, chiro, etc. ECH started after having my neck rebuilt after an accident. I would be having treatments..and my cycle would stop and Id think..Cool..this is the cure. Then 12 months later beast would return, would try same treatment and nothing.
Then I found you guys!!! I read this forum as a guest..so didnt get all the goods!! Went to my doc (who knew nothing)...got O2 (cause I read it here) and zomig. I read Suffered thru the cycle..02 didnt work..but the setup I know now wasnt right
Started getting scared in sept, my cycle always starts in oct..actually logged in and watched Bob's video presentation! Got some shrooms. Thought cool take shrooms twice a year and Im good. Made it thru Oct! F#ck Yeah!! Then while on holiday last week in Maui...boom!
Every night would get attacks...back to the forum. Tried Red Bull..It worked! Couldnt sleep...but who cares..I could abort with red bull.. I had picked shrooms in my youth in Maui..asked around and scored.. took 1.75 g last friday, had a very enjoyable evening! Went to bed..and 2 hours later..boom..2 hrs of hell..snorted zomig...took along time...brutal. Terrified of the flight home the next night as it was an overnight flt back to Canada. No attack. back home this week, spending 6hrs a day reading everything on here!!
You guys rock! I haver started the D3, drinking water all day and I have been sleeping thru the night. Im still having attacks..usually upon wake up, and early evening, but can abort by drinking a cup of strong coffee!!! No 02 but it didnt seem to work for me last year anyway...and Im managing without it.
I will dose with shrooms again tonight... I do realize how lucky I am, and thanks to all you guys!!!!
All the best,