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Springfield VA
Busting, Busting and Busting
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Thanks DD. I did harvest most of them, and have started drying them. I guess this is a learning experience. I'm not super worried about reduced potency, since I have never done this before and was planning to start with small doses anyway until I find the right dose. As long as the potency is reasonably consistent across busts I figure I should be OK. That said, I am going to watch the cakes that are a little behind to see if I can determine the best time to harvest. I am still not seeing veils on the shrooms that are of reasonable size. Maybe it's the species I'm using. I need to check back on that.
J (ThatHurtsMyHead), I just wanted to thank you for the tip. It worked great, I came home today to find amazing growth. Now I have a harvesting question, which I'll pose in a new topic. Tony, the set-up you mentioned looks interesting, but switching to it wasn't practical for this crop. I may give it a run on the next batch, assuming busting actually helps. In any case, thanks for the ideas. Art
Thanks Tony and J! I am looking into both of these solutions.
I have seven cakes in a fruiting chamber and, after what has seemed like FOREVER, fruiting has at last begun on three of them with lots of pinning on all. My wife and I are going out of town for three days this weekend, and I am looking for guidance on what to do with the fruiting chamber during our absence. We are keeping my mycological studies secret, so enlisting help from family/friends/neighbors is not an option. I am using a "shotgun terrarium" (http://gamerchronic.com/magic-mushrooms/terrarium/), which consists basically of damp perlite in a clear plastic storage container with lots of holes in it. The chamber must be ventilated and misted 2-6 times daily to remove carbon dioxide (which suppresses growth) and maintain humidity (which supports it). As I will suspend these activities for the three travel days, I am worried that the fruits will be damaged at what might be a vulnerable stage of their development. The only two options I have thought of are (1) to keep the lid on the chamber, which may keep humidity levels on the high side but might allow a build-up of CO2; and (2) to keep the lid off, which would presumably have the converse effects. I am leaning toward option 2 as the "lesser of two evils" on the theory that lower humidity might slow growth, while excessive CO2 might be damaging, but I have no idea whether these assumptions are valid. If there are other options, I don't know them. Anyone have any experience with this type of problem? Or ideas on other sites where I might find guidance? Thanks!!! Art
"Cannabinoids and Hallucinogens for Headache"
Art replied to CHfather's topic in Research & Scientific News
Thank YOU, CHf, for bringing this to our attention! -
Nice find, CHf!
Thanks weatherman! Your message reminds me of one good thing working in my favor. I too have an understanding and supportive wife. She is a classic rule-follower and very conservative when it comes to drugs, but she has seen what CHs do to me and, somewhat to my surprise, has told me that she will support whatever I decide to do, including busting with shrooms. She wants to be there to help me through it. In one very important way, I am blessed, and it seems right for me to keep sight of that especially today. Merry Christmas to you and all my new friends.
Thanks so much everybody, I feel more optimistic than I have in some time.
You were right, I goofed, I DID mean "connected to the mask by a plastic tube." There is no bag. And there is no demand button. I am going to take it to my O2 supplier and find out what it is. The advice to remove the straps is well-taken. I have fallen asleep several times using O2 to abort those horrifying middle-of-the-night episodes. I don't use the straps any longer.
Hi spiny I have to admit that I have absolutely no idea what kind of mask I am using. My PA ordered it and I just use it. I had already seen references to bag type on this board and have been skating around here, and on the internet at large, trying to figure it out. My mask doesn't fit the descriptions of masks I have seen on several web sites. My mask does not have a bag; I secure it to my face with elastic bands on the mask and breathe directly from the tank, which is connected to the bag by a plastic tube. The mask has small air vents that allow air to pass both ways. As for flow rate, the regulator is set at 15 lpm, the highest setting. I am going to find out if I can get a regulator with a higher flow rate. Maybe I will ask the O2 supplier about mask options as well.
Oh, ClusterHeadSurvivor, you are quite right, I have not had surgery and from what I've read, this is not a viable option, for me, anyway.
You folks are terrific and I am very grateful for the input. A special thanks to CHfather for the trex-extender tip. I get trex in 4 mg auto-injector kits (my PA had to move heaven and earth to get it approved by my insurer). This allows me three shots in a day. The extender tip would allow me to double that, and I am definitely going to give this a try. But going forward, I am hoping I can wean myself off trex to give busting and licorice extract a try. I have seen multiple references on this board to staying on the O2 for some time after the pain dissipates, and I am going to try that. And I didn't know that some O2 suppliers can make it available at travel destinations. I will look into that also. Moxy Girl, I really appreciate your perspective on the legal stuff, and your mention of Topiramate brings back "special" memories for me. I, too, was on Topiramate for a while many years ago, and not only did it do nothing to improve my CH, but it gave me kidney stones. I had several bouts of stones, including two that occurred after I stopped the Topiramate. I can remember several times when I got pretty severe CH hits while I waiting for a ride to the ER because of the stones. When I think back on it, I have to laugh. I mean, REALLY!! How much worse can it get??  ;D It is something of a comfort, actually, because, even in those times when the CH are at their worst and life seems not worth living, I can grit my way through knowing that, if I survived CH-plus-Topiramate-induced kidney stones, I can survive anything! At least, that's what I tell myself, hahahaha.
Thanks for the replies! This is a fantastic board, I already have learned a great deal and I thought (wrongly, it now appears) that I knew a lot before I got here. CHfather, my CH is chronic (it started as episodic but morphed to chronic about six years ago). You asked about oxygen and other things I have tried. I DO use oxygen and it is a great help, although most times it seems to postpone rather than abort the attacks. Still, I hate to be without it, e.g., when traveling. I also use Sumatriptan injections, which work very well. The problem is that you can take only so much and regularly have days with eight or more atacks. In addition, I have been reading that there is evidence that this drug may be causing new attacks, and that it might be part of the reason my CH morphed to chronic. One of my numerous self-assignments is to search this site on that subject. As far as non-pharm approaches, for me melatonin, coffee, energy drinks and kudzu have been ineffective. I am currently doing the D3 regimen (just started; too early to tell). I am looking at licorice root. One concern in that case is that my heavy use of Sumatriptan may be a contraindication. Any thoughts about that?
Hi, I am new to this board, so I hope you will forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place or raising an indiscreet subject. I have been getting cluster headaches for 14 years and have tried all the conventional medical measures to no avail. I read about busting maybe six years ago and never pursued the idea mainly because of the legal concerns (I live in Virginia, US). I can see from the posts and other resources on this site that it is working for a lot of people, and would love to give busting a try, but I am wondering how so many are dealing with the legal risks. Every time I have another unbearable attack, I think about trying busting and then visions of search warrants, handcuffs and courtrooms start dancing in my head. Am I just paranoid? Or is it that folks are so desperate for relief that they decide the risks are worth taking? (Which is just about my state of mind at the moment.) Are there any resources available here or elsewhere on the incidence of prosecutions of individuals buying spores, seeds, growing kits, etc. over the internet? If this is not a suitable subject for a public posting, I'd be happy to communicate offline.