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  1. jbk103


    Thanks guys. Started the steroid and had one bad the next day but then nothing the next two days other than light shadow. This is my first day off the steroid and second day on verapamil 120 extended. Light shadow this afternoon but nothing else yet. Have a follow up with doctor in 10 days for blood work
  2. jbk103


    This is extended release that he gave me
  3. jbk103


    Before I was only 5 hour energy for pain but he didn’t like that and said it would cause more.
  4. jbk103


    Good Morning! For those of you taking Verapamil I was wondering if any of you used it just during cluster periods. I am episodic usually about 1 month or the year with the bad years stretching to 3 months. I went to the doctor yesterday who gave be a steroid (massive headache this morning, do they cause bad bounce backs?) and verapamil once a day 120mg. He said I could take it all year around or could just try it out for a month. Didn’t know if others just took it around cluster time or if only effective year around.
  5. jbk103


    Does anyone have any experience with this? Doctor mentioned it to me
  6. I usually take a 5 hour energy and ginger pill at first sight of one but I did email my doctor over the weekend to ask about oxygen.
  7. A year and a half ago my doctor told me to try this. It didn’t stop it but the month did seem less painful than other times. Not sure if it worked or just a lighter year. They just started back this week so we will see if the pills make it manageable. The first few days have been terrible but I didn’t continue to take them the last year and a half.
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