Wow I did not really expect anyone to take the time to read my rant. Thanks! I will be happy to answer 20 or 100 questions if it helps. I have tried just about everything. Once had a cocktail of Verpamil, Caphrogot (Which I am sure I spelled wrong), Topomax (Which is terrible), Botox...which worked but only for 3 months then I started the cycle all over again. Tried the SPG Blocker which worked the first time like a charm....downside the cycle came back sooner and now seems to last what seems like forever. I use Imitrex to get rid of the headache, which works like a charm but I am sure it causes rebound headaches but carrying oxygen around to my daughters theater, school, etc is something I try to avoid and the oxygen takes much longer than imitrex. So now I am feeling maybe the blocker did something and this will never go away. I have to say I have a fantastic doctor who says I know more about this then him so he will let me try just about anything.
So what works is Predonise. Yes I know .....the side effects.....are killing me. I have gained 20 lbs, my feet are swollen and I am moody and scared to death that I am just killing myself (I read about the damage I could be doing to my body being on it). I am taking 50 mgs a day and have for about 3 months but it is the only way I can get away with only having 2 or 3 headaches a week which in itself is a miracle but I have to say I feel like a drug addict, between what insurance will allow me to have and when my prescription runs low, I run around begging for more steriods and hate myself for taking them. I know I should be happy and grateful that I am getting more relief than many I read about but I can't keep doing this forever. The doctor is going to make me stop at some point or I will not be able to walk because I have gained so much weight and falling asleep on my fat feet.
I just read about the D3 Regime and went out last night and bought everything and started it today but I did not see anything about if the steriods will effect taking the vitamins and I am scared to stop them.
I even ordered some seeds to try.....never thought I would go that far but I have to be honest I feel like I am losing this battle along with my mind, spirit, and fight. I know we all feel alone with this but during the day I am a business owner and have to act like everything is okay and at night I am a single mom so I have to act like I am in control but deep down I am scared this is my new life since the cycle should be over by now.
I joined the facebook but am awaiting approval. In the meantime, does anyone know if I do try the seeds do I need to stop the steriods and the D3? I think I read if I try seeds then no imitrex (which terrifies me, I try not to have a headache in front of my daughter as I know it will scare her so letting go of the imitrex is very scary.) Wow I sound like such a wimp.
Anyway, thanks for reading my rant again. Hope I answered the 20 questions and look forward to reading your thoughts