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  1. lp3


    I am just wondering if suicide plans are common. D3, oxygen, busting, etc. Yes, tried em all. FYI. Please just answer these 2 ques. Is cb aware how many member we have lost to suicide and who else has a suicide plan. Thanks. It's a simple 2 questions.
  2. lp3


    Anyone else have suicide plan? Are we tracking how many cb members offed their selves? Not a good day. Not a god day whatsoever. Please don't respond with d3 and busting/ oxygen etc. Just respond to question. Thanks
  3. Prove me wrong. I get clusters 3 plus times a day. I speak in tongues. Different demon voices. Arguing over how to torture me. Yes. It is true. Anyone else have this happen to them? No I am not kidding.
  4. Hello Spiny, my name is David. The keyboarder and the son of LP3. The notes on the keyboard that caused the frequency that caused you pain (sorry about that) is the sustained combined notes of B sharp and C on the oboe setting.
  5. I don't know if this is allowed to be posted here but I am an old timer clusterbusters member and I am in a traveling band. My "gift" of cluster headaches has turned my touring schedule upside down and for a long while my life became an unmanageable mess. Never knowing how sick I will be whilst traveling on the road. Booking shows only to get cluster anxiety etc. We have many albums out and my band mates and I decided to record this album to bring cluster headache awareness to the general population. This album is intended to illustrate the social, physical, economic, and psychological aspects of the beast. Please feel free to share with others as we hope it brings awareness to us that suffer and suffer dearly. If you like the album, please leave a like and if you feel like you want to comment here, or on our channel Chatterbox, we would really appreciate it. God speed. And please be well.
  6. All kind words. Thanks to everyone for Letting me rage. Luvs to all fuck the beast. Sorry if I made anyone upset this group has saved my life more than once.
  7. The simple fact of the matter is that this is a non repairable disease that us ch will have til the day we die. No one really knows what causes it (if you reply back hypothalamus i will scream) and that all prescribed drugs are psuedo science placebos. Oxygen is not a cure. Lsd Mushrooms etc are a distraction and that we have been chosen by god to be sent into the horror chambers of hell. So...fuck god. Doctors, big pharma, psychedelics etc. You have been chosen. It is your and my destiny to live life like this. Once you take this attitude u can respect that this whole life of yours is a joke. Got a rope? There is a reason these headaches are called suicide headaches. Please do not post d3 regiment or other bullshit in response. I have tried them all. And. Nothing. Works. Chronic. Mad. And done with it all.
  8. I have often wondered if chs are a form of demonic possession. No I am not religious and yes I am serious. Anyone else have thoughts on this cause I know damn well tha in my case prayer does not help.
  9. I live between attacks. I am chronic ch with little to no breaks...ever. been this way for 10 years. My hobbies include dabbling in psychedelic drugs and I live way off the grid on our family homestead in Montana. I am a retired professional musician and I love hanging around with my odd friends who are mostly societies rejects. I am married and have six kids. I am the ultimate mountain man stoner punk rock dude blessed with the beast. The beast is my friend cause he likes me to do shrooms to make both of us happy. I am happy just to participate in this brutal life us ch folks live. We are super heroes. Best to all. Psychedelic Brian reporting from the lp3 ranch.
  10. Has anyone noticed that if you are in cycle and you accidentally hurt yourself that your clusters go away until you heal. I have had this happen to me twice. I am not advocating self harm btw.
  11. Been busting with vitamin m for years. No problem. Then...bam. getting high just watching tv. Bam...high walking around my yard. Bam...haven't busted in a week. What gives? Have I fried my brain. Will the flashback subside? Anyone else experience this? Should I stop vit m? God I hope not. Please respond
  12. Been awhile since I have said hi. I went ch free for 8 months. Then bam! They are back. Went 5 years 3 or more ch a day with no break. 8 month break made me think I was cured. Wrong! Busted 2 times this last 10 days, feeling much better. Busting again soon. Not suicidal. A huge bonus. Found I am very fortunate that I sold my guns. Hmmmm. Hope all have a pain free day. Loves from Montana.
  13. Last night i had my 3rd of 5 ch. I was crying when i started laughing. Remember fg the scene where l dan was riding on the sails taunting god "is that all you have!" i started quoting this and it brought humor into the room. I wish i could get a new head like l dan got new legs. Love all_
  14. lp3

    Suicide plan

    If you have a suicide plan let someone know. It might save your life.
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