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kokoreli last won the day on May 20 2017

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  1. jon019 I don't know, there's one guy in my city who makes this remedy using herbs and alcohol, the ingredients are the secret (he makes money with it). I just know, that it's plant-based, it contains alcohol and helps everyone who uses it. I discovered this cure and I wanted to let everyone know about it and now you're just arguing with me. Do you think I shouldn't have told that to anybody? Wouldn't YOU tell everyone?
  2. It helped me and some other people too and I want everybody to know. If you found a cure, would you hide it? I cannot hide it because I truly know the pain. This has changed my life and I want to tell everybody to make them happy. If you don't want it, then nobody's forcing you, if you want be a skeptic and be unhappy. I'm just informing others and letting them know that there is a way out. I hope you'll find your solution!
  3. Potter i'm offering it for free, in order for you to see that there is a cure. nothing more
  4. i bought this medicine, i know it is plant-based, but i don't know the ingredients, and i don't think, anybody's going to tell me secret ingredient.
  5. Finally! I have found way out! The medicine which helped! No more Cluster pain! I overcame the season which lasted for one year just in three pains! Sounds like a miracle but it is true. The cluster pains started in 2000. You know how it is. I have tried everything! The course of Prednisolone has damaged my health. Here in Post Soviet country lithium is also popular, I tried this too. Lithium just ruined my health, it limited my movements, I was handicapped and needed crutches, but the pain did not go away. Of course everyone knows the course of Verapamile, which I don’t even know why was invented . In any case for me it did nothing. I have tried breathing oxygen , it did not work. I have tried Sumatriptane and many others but nothing worked. I have given up and decided that this how I will live all my life. But then I heard about one medicine which is prepared only with natural ingredients. Of course I was skeptical at first, but I always try anything that can ease the pain! This are the nasal drops. A friend of mine recommended. I tried it and in one minute the pain was gone. I thought it was a coincidence that the pain was a false alarm. In two days pain came back. I again used 3 drops and in one minute the pain was gone again. I still could not believe. I have tried everything and have become very skeptical. I had to use it third time and it worked again. It’s been more than 2 years now without a pain! I gave this medicine to a friend who also suffers with cluster pains. He had to use it 5 times within a month, and he has not had the pain in seven months. There is a “Cluster Pain Center” in my country, which I am a member of, I know all other registered members who suffer from these pains. I was curious if this medicine really worked or it was a coincidence. I contacted all patients (there are 35 of us in the city). Only 27 replied. I offered all of them this medicine, 18 showed the interest. 12 people out of these 18 used the medicine and in all 12 cases it was successful. In my city there are 14 people including me and my friend who have overcome this pain. It is very simple – you need to use 3-4 drops on the side where you have pain, and the pain goes away in 1 or 2 minutes. I know what a wonderful feeling it is so I wanted to share. I have been on this Facebook Page for 5 years and now I can do something useful!!! I have bought this medicine in certain quantities (just to have some stash, I feel more confident this way). I have an offer – write me in private inbox and I will share it with as many people as possible, free of charge!!!. Try it and you will know that there is a relief. I just want everyone to know that there is a way out! Write me an address in the private inbox and I will send some from my stock, if it will help you as well as 14 people that I know, then there is a cure!!!!! So write me and I will send the medicine to as many people as I can just to try it out. Unfortunately, can’t promise more. I don’t have too much of it myself. I don’t need money – just try! It is made of natural herbs based on spirit. Try, you are not losing anything! If it works you will know there is a cure Email me: soundjadokar@gmail.com
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