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Everything posted by Electrogeeks

  1. Hey lp3! I just wanted to let you know that I got myself into BIG trouble with the prednisone. It worked REALLY well for me! I am a chronic sufferer as well and have been so for about five years now and was episodic for 8 years before that. The tapered dose would work and stop the headaches almost completely. The problem was that after I stopped the prednisone within a couple of days I was back to the four a day CH routine. I found that if I kept if going and took 20-25mg a day it would keep the monsters away. Much like your doc suggested. I would do this for a week, then take a week off and then back to the prednisone in an effort to reduce the amount of prednisone I was ingesting. I told myself "damn the side effects" because anything that the prednisone could do to me wasn't as bad as the CH. I was wrong. - I started experiencing severe sweating episodes, dizziness and blackouts and I was still getting CH's on the off times from the prednisone so I was taking sometimes up to four immitrex injections per day. After a whole bunch of testing and 10 weeks off work because I couldn't function at all. The docs figured out that I had adrenal fatigue, the prednisone had suppressed many of my normal hormonal responses and basically shut down large chunks of my endocrine system. Stopped the prednisone all together, and went to vitamin M - following the busters protocol as closely as I could and I am doing way better. (only two attacks in a three weeks period, and that is because I delayed the vitamin M dose just to see). No more sweats, dizziness is reduced and no more black outs. The doc says it may take months to fully recover. That was my experience trying prednisone to keep the beast at bay. On another note, I am not sure what yours looks like but it might help to look at your diet - the low histamine (or Auto Immune Protocol) diet has been a HUGE help for me. I have run out of the vitamin M for now - but I am looking into alternatives and considering a small terrarium for personal cultivation of fungus to keep the supply close by and controlled. There is also BOL148 which will hopefully make it into to production before too long - not a lot of money to be made there, but hopefully some one comes up with a way to get that to market. I know that there are docs in my city that are working on getting it for clinical human trials in the next few months. Fingers crossed.
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