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Everything posted by Jarhead

  1. Was at Shroomfest today... Very good turnout and looks to be getting legislative support. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!
  2. Yep, I'm colorblind. Thought I would add this if it helps....
  3. Hi Mike, I'm new her,e but was misdiagnosed for over 13 years. Even had surgery to repair my deviated septum and collapsed sinus cavities.. Headache specialist is the best bet, I think finding this site is a great step on your path. These people on here are top notch and really do care. Good luck and if I can provide any other info to help please let me know.
  4. Thanks all for your responses... had to leave deer hunting in Michigan for my appointment. I was told I was classic as far as episodic CH goes.. I was even told "I look like a CH" sufferer. I was asked if I had ever seen pictures of CH patients by the doc... light eyes (green or blue) masculine fascial features... anyone else ever heard this? I told them I'm not in pain any longer and that I have been doing the D3 regimen. That I have a small "kinda hangover" type headache. They were very familiar and that made me feel much better about being there. They asked that I return at the first onset of symptoms to prescribe oxygen and Verapimil, I will use this site to research further. For some reason it seemed they wanted to wait until I had an issue to prescribe oxygen.. not sure why? You guy's are the best!!!! Thank you so much, I would still be in the dark without the info you have shared. I have seen there is a mention of FB page, is there someone I need to e-mail to join?? Thank all of you contributors so much... you may not know it, but there are some of us who sit and suffer in silence, not knowing what to do, but with all of you sharing your experiences it is freeing knowing this can be managed. Wish I could buy EVERYONE of you a beer!!! Thanks again, Jar/Clusterhead PS- DD, Semper Fi Brother!!!
  5. John2000. I agree!!! I am going to my neurologist appointment with at least a minimum of knowledge. I actually mentioned this website and they acknowledged it and asked if I had O2 yet? I told them I did not have a diagnosis yet so had not moved to that. I have been using the D3 regimen for two weeks as that is when I found this eebsite and have some semblance of order at this point. I really CANNOT THANK YOU ALL FOR LETTING ME KNOW IM NOT ALONE!!! You all should be proud of yourselves. I know they call them "suicide headaches", something I would not do... however, I started to ubderstabd why Native American Indians would walk off into the wilderness to die... Thank you all so much... you are life savers!!!!
  6. CHFather... I am very happy that you responded. there are a few individuals I wanted to thank individually and you certainly are one of them. I don't mean to sound like a stalker but this pain has kept me searching. You, thmh and the group of others, I would like to list them but may miss one without doing them justice. You have helped without knowing at all... as I paced my house at night thinking nobody could deal with this pain... U all were there. Please understand whether it is cluster headaches or not... you were still there... 11/18/2016 with MHNI, suggested by this website. I really can't explain to any of you how much I am relieved, (and sorry) for each of you... I really thought I was alone...
  7. I thought I was alone until a few weeks ago. Every time I told someone abt the pain they would talk about there sinuses being clogged... Thank you all for this website. I am not sure that you know, but you are seriously saving lives... I am a former Marine (hence the name) and thought that much of my service as well the activities contributed to what would be a miserable rest of my life... I'm ok with that as I love my country and will assume that pain if necessary... but WOW... you all have made me feel like I am not only here to absorb pain... Thank you, and I mean that with all my heart.. thx you.. I have an appt w a neurologist on the 18th and for the first time in two months feel like I can live again... PLEASE KEEP COMMENTING!!! Some of us may not speak up but we are here...
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