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Jimmy Martinez

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Posts posted by Jimmy Martinez

  1. Wow thank you so much Spiny. I am grateful to you and all of the information/guidance you have shared with me. I have a terrible mask. I have a to get the non-rebreather. What is a "PRED TAPER"? is that prednisone? I wish one day I could talk to you on the phone because I understand easier verbally instead of reading text. Right now I am still in my cycle but it is far less frequent and far less severe. I've had like 3 nights straight of no attacks but then I get some "pings" of pain like an attack is coming and then I hit the oxygen and take 2 advil and I'm okay. I think the mushrooms helped me decrease the power of the cycle. I did the mushrooms about 2 and a half weeks ago. My hope is to learn more and more hope to not only manage a cycle but ultimately to prevent a cycle. If you are ever up for a phone call, just a few minutes, I'd love to talk to you since you have lots of experience. But mostly, I wanted to let you know I am praying for you, me, and all of the people who are dealing with this insidious affliction. I hope right now you are pain free and I hope and pray that you never even get a mild headache ever again in your whole life. Like gone forever and that you can be one of the lucky one that are 100% rid of any type of headache. I pray every day and I pray for you, CH Father's daughter, and all of us in this forum and around the world who battle this demon. Thank you so much for helping me fight and hopefully win against this enemy. I feel like the answer or cure is out there and it's fairly simple. I think all of us get them for different reasons and if we can just prep our systems in advance of when we know a cycle is coming, we can avoid the cycle entirely. Take good care and please tell me how you are doing. Thank you, Jimmy 

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  2. Hi friends, I hope this is the right place to post this question. I am in the midst of a cycle right now. My doctor told me that Verapamil is mostly used to help prevent daytime attacks. 85% of my attacks occur late at night about an hour or 2 after I fall asleep, so like 11pm or 12am, I get hit. With this said, should I take the verapamil in the early evening (one 80MG pill) in the hopes of preventing the night time attacks or should I just take 3 pills a day with the hopes that the verapamil with be in my system strong enough to prevent an attack whether it happens at night, day, or whenever?

    I really don't like taking verapamil because it makes me feel lousy but I would rather take it and have a good chance of preventing a nighttime CH attack.

    I'm also doing the vitamin D regimen.

    Last Sunday I busted but I did it with maxalt in my system so I don't know if it was entirely effective.

    I'm working on getting oxygen and should have it on Monday.

    I also have maxalt and naratriptan which I use to kill a painful attack when nothing else (like advil) works.

    Verapamil in the past has helped me manage a cycle. I wish it could help shorten a cycle.

    I sincerely appreciate all of the help and support and kindness I have received from everyone on this forum.

    I will do my best to help people as i learn more about how deal with this condition.  if there is anyone if los angeles, please let me know.

    Thank you,


  3. Hi Friends, I didn't think I would be back here after going almost 2 years without an attack but in the last few weeks, I got hit. It must be either stress or the hot weather or a combination of both. I'd be curious to hear what other people think causes their attacks.

    I have a very renowned headache specialist doctor and I asked him if he ever head of anyone "beating CH for good" and this was his response:

    Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone who has “beat” cluster headache. I know a lot of patients in whom it went away and never came back and in whom it got milder over time.  To answer one of your prior questions. Fortunately, we have some pretty good medications to control the attacks and reduce frequency.

    If this is old news to many of you I apologize. When he told me this it gave me some hope and I hope it gives you some too.

    As I tell my wife, I would give every penny I have, every possession I own, to have this dreadful condition disappear forever. 

    Wishing you all zero pain and deep restful night's sleep forever.

    Praying for us all,

    Jimmy M.  

  4. HI everyone,  nothing much to say except that I hope everyone is feeling substantially less or zero pain. I pray every day for myself to CH free and for all of you.

    What's works for me is chanting NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO.  And Verapamil!

    I certainly don't want to push religion on anyone but I wanted to tell you all what works for me. 

    We can and will defeat this.

    To your health and happiness always,

    Jimmy Martinez-



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  5. I've been able to get tremendous help and support from the people on this forum.  Thank you.

    Please know that for the rest of my life, I'll be praying earnestly for everyone to be healthy and pain free. And for there to be a cure.

    Season's Greeting to all,




    • Like 5
  6. Thank you Batch and spiny for your replies. You guys have been so strong and have endured so much pain. I'm guessing you guys don't "bust" at all. 

    I promise every day for the rest of my life to chant and pray for you guys to be pain free and for there to be a cure.

    There has to be a rhyme or reason to this. There has to be a cause to this effect.

    I wonder what constitutes a barometric pressure drop? higher elevations, rain coming, windy weather.. 

    Tonight I took so CBD oil (no THC) and I'm praying for a good night's sleep. 

    Take good care and we will beat this together! 




  7. HI Batch, I hope you are 100% pain free and your family is very well.

    I am taking the calcium, boron, Zinc, Vitamin A, B, C, and D3 (6 pills at 10,000 IU each pill). I'm also taking fish oil, magnesium, and a multi-vitamin. I ran out of the Vitamin K2.

    I've asked my doctor about the serum levels but haven't heard back.

    Hopefully the regime I'm on now is the correct one. I'll try the Bio Tech stuff once me current VD3 supply runs out.

    Thanks for all you do sir,



  8. 3 minutes ago, CHsurvivor22 said:

    Hi Akiva,

    I am one of the UNLUCKY ones that had a terrible response to verapamil. I took it once, and within two hours I was in the most excruciating pain of my life. I am currently in the middle of my 6 week fall cycle and the first half had me going through 2 oxygen tanks a week and getting up to 8 attacks a day. About a week ago I started taking 10,000iu a day of vitamin D3, and within a few days my attacks had gone from a kip 8-9 to a kip 2-3, and went from 8 attacks a day to 3. I went 3 days without any attacks at all, and yesterday I had one that lasted all day, but it stayed around a kip 3-4 instead of 8-9. Today I am pain free and have not had any attacks. I also started drinking about 90oz of water a day. 

    Good luck, remember you're not alone.

    HI friend, I'm so so sorry that you are battling this right now. It sounds like you are a pro at battling it. Thanks for the reminder about driving tons of water. Also, for the vitamin D3 regimen, is it crucial to take the FULL regimen or is the vitamin D3 the most important part? I'm taking the calcium, boron, vitamin B, A, Omega 3 fish oil, and a multi vitamin as well as C and B12.

    I'm taking 7 Vitamin D3 tablets at day which I believe are 10,000 IU.

    I'm praying for you: nam myth range kyo is what i chant and I am chanting for you. If you can't give me your name, I will chant for CHsurvivor22.

    take care, jimmy 

  9. Thank you Spiny! My attacks come 90% at the middle of the night so if I take a caffeine blast, I won't get any sleep at all but at least I can hopefully abort the attack which is more important. I'm taking Verapamil now and it's working beautifully. I'm not getting any attacks but I feel the Verapamil sort of tightens my chest and isn't helping my heart. I'm going to ask my doctor if I can stop taking it, but I don't want it to cause the attacks to come back. I'm taking the full D# regimen except the Vitamin K2 which I will get. 

    I had shadows for about 2 weeks, nothing bad. The last week I have a full on banger where I needed a maxalt to knock it back into hell.

    Since then I've been taking varapmil about 5 or 6 days now and no headaches. But I don't know how long I should keep taking it. 

    If I had to guess, I think the change in weather is what causing my attacks. Recently it rained here about 2 weeks ago followed  by the windy santa anna winds that are dry and kick up a lot of stuff. If I saw a weather change coming, I could take some sort of allergy medication or preventative medication so a cycle doesn't start.

    I'm just grateful that Verapamil works but it feel like it's rough stuff on my body. 

    I hope and pray that soon there can be a cure for this because it's such a bizarre condition and rare. Why me I ask myself! 

    But I know I have it good compared to some people who experience more frequent attacks. 

    I'd love to know if anyone out there has beaten this and have been CH FREE for beyond 5 years....and how they did it!

    When I'm in a cycle I fell like the world stops and every ounce of energy I have is 100% committed to beating it and finding some sort of magical pill or cure.

    I feel like a cure is coming! I really do. I read somewhere that sleep patterns and exposure to sunlight also could be a major trigger.

    Take care Spiny and I'm thinking about you and everyone else on this board every day. Whether I'm in a cycle or not. Your pain and struggle is my pain and I'm praying every day literally for you guys to be pain free forever. I feel like besides my family being healthy and safe, the only thing that I really care about is not having a CH. They are bad to the bone!

  10. Hi Akiva, I am one of the lucky ones that seem to respond well to Verapamil. I take it 3 times and day. I'm on it now but I only use it when I feel a cycle coming on or am in a cycle. I hope it works for you. I'm praying for you to be 100% pain free for the rest of your life...CH free primarily!

    Call your doctor and give it a shot. 

    I have a feeling there will be a cure in the coming years. 

    Warm Regards, 


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  11. Hi friends in faith (faith that we can beat this horrible ailment),

    I'm in the Hollywood area and was wondering if anyone who has experience with beating CH attacks could help me? I might consider taking something that is considered "alternative".

    It appears I might be starting a cycle now (sad face) and hopefully I can beat it back into hell where it belongs.


    Thanks! Jimmy 

  12. Thank you friends for your help! Last night I got a full blown attack after about 2 weeks of little "shadows". I had to find some old Verapamil and some old Ritatriptan to take as the pain was heavy and constant throughout the night after trying 2 rounds of advil. This is a horrible horrible ailment. 

    Batch: thank you for your advice! I've been taking on average 4 to 5 Vitamin D3 pills (10K MG each) every day for over a year now. I also take fish oil, vitamin A, B, C, Magnesium, Calcium, and B-12, and a multivitamin. I'll bump up my VD3 intake to 6 or 7 a day. 

    Siegfried: Thank you for the information. Oxygen works only as a temporary relief for a few minutes. It doesn't seem to kill the pain long term. I'm so glad it works for you. I will probably have to get some as I am sadly expecting a cycle here.

    J: thanks for there tip on the Melatonin. I'll give that a try by not taking it. 

    I seem to be getting these attacks every 18-20 months since I was 37 and now I'm 46 next month. 

    It rained here last week. other than that I can't figure out what the cause is. I'm a little stressed but nothing more than usual.

    I'm eating healthy. Drinking decaf coffee. getting good rest.

    Very sad and frustrating but I will beat this!

  13. Thank you J and Jon for your help! I called my doctor who is supposedly THE headache doctor in LA and he said to take Melatonin (9MG) for a few weeks. You are right, my neck and shoulders are stiff. I have been sober for 15 years so busting would be a huge disappointment for me in so many ways. I'm gonna pray and take the Melatonin and hopefully I can avert an attack.

    wishing you guys several lifetimes of happiness and health,



  14. Hi everyone, I'm almost 46 and I've had 3 cluster "cycles" in the last 7 or 8 years. Each cycle ran about 2-3 months and during the cycle I did everything except what people call "busting".

    The last cycle ended late July 2017 and I've been pain free since. Wow. That best 14 months of my life. 

    In the last 3 days I've been awoken in the middle of the night with a very, very light, dull ache behind my left eye. The last few nights I just notice it and go back to bed. But last night it started to get a little uncomfortable so took an Advil and in 10 minutes I was asleep no problem.

    In LA where I am it's humid and warm and there is a rainstorm coming in the next day or so. I'm guessing the cycles I've had in the past were weather related (weather changing....usually rain or fall type weather). 

    My question is, are there tiny little cluster headaches where there isn't really any pain but instead enough of a sensation where you are awakened and feel some very light pressure?

    What it feels like to me is the early onset sensation t of a full blown attack but the attack doesn't come. I take vitamin D and B religiously and I'm going to start to drink a glass of water every hour.  

    Coincidentally, yesterday was the first time in a very long while I went to the gym. Then last night, I had just enough of a discomfort to take an Advil

    If anyone has any thoughts or recommendations I would be grateful.

    The last time I broke the cycle I prayed and prayed and chanted. I chant a Buddhist chant called "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo". I also took Verapamil.

    Thank you and I'm sending everyone lots of prayers for great health and no pain.



  15. Hey everyone, just wanted to say hello and let you know I am thinking of all of you everyday, sending you all my strongest deepest prayers for zero pain/ NO CH.

    I've had 5 glorious days without pain. What a joy it is to not be in pain and to be able to sleep. I'll never take that for granted again in my life. Never. 

    If I had to guess what has stopped the pain, it would be the combination of:

    * Less stress at work

    * slightly cooler temperatures

    * eating no gluten, sugar, dairy, or caffeine for almost 2 weeks.

    * Batch's loading schedule of 50,000 IU of Vitamin-D3 for the last week

    * Drinking more water

    * Taking Verapamil (but I had chest pressure and was told to cut my dosage in half).

    * Praying every day

    * Reaching out to others who are experience pain or suffering and trying to help them

    It scares me to think that the reason the headaches came in the first place was because of the season changing. My guess is that it was because of a stressful work situation.

    Who knows! 

    I'm just praying to be remain pain-free and I'm continuing the new diet.

    Also, I've been taking chinese herbs. If anyone is in Los Angeles, Dr. Majeed gives the herbs. He also HIGHLY recommends staying away from dairy, sugar, and gluten. http://www.alioptimalwellness.com

    Wishing you and your families the most precious of all things, good health.


    While it is absurd to reject medical science, the principal factor in overcoming illness is the patient and his or her “life force.” In medical terms, it is our capacity to heal ourselves. Life force is a mystic phenomenon that transcends human understanding.

    Daisaku Ikeda-

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  16. Thank you Matt, Spiny, Bejeeber, CHfather, and Twisted-Melon for all of your comments and help. This is the place where I am getting so much support and help....all thanks to you.

    Enough about me! How are you guys doing? Is life pretty normal and good for you guys right now? Are you guys managing the beast or have any of you kicked the beast out of town recently?

    The 80MG of Verapamil I am taking doesn't feel right. I feel like I did some speed or something. Sort of a pressure feeling in my chest and a chemical taste in my system.

    But good news is that I haven't had a night attack in over week so that means I am sleeping which I desperately needed to do.

    I keep feeling and thinking that I am coming out of my cycle and the beast will be gone for a long long time. I need a long stretch of pain free days for that to happen! 

    I had 2 day time attacks last week that ripped me up bad and I went on this forum and starting typing to you guys about seeds. I was getting desperate and was ready to try seeds. I felt so "sick" as I was typing I lost the page and never sent it. But that is where I was on Sunday, hoping for seeds help. Maybe even ready for shrooms!

    I am so grateful right now that I am fairly pain-free, I don't think I could have been able to handle more multi-attack days and nights. It's been over a month that this cycle has been going.

    I can't stand taking all of the medications. It feels unnatural and unhealthy taking them but if they work, I have no choice but to ingest.

    I'm also sort of worn out right now of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't work. I've been mostly caffeine, sugar, gluten, and dairy free for almost 2 weeks now and my improved health may be because of it. Who the heck knows!

    I miss exercising. But if I workout, a nasty headache is almost certain.

    I sure hope you guys aren't in any cycles right now. And I pray each day that you will never experience a headache again. I would give every dollar/possession (happily) to never experience that horrible left eye ball pain again. 

    My friend at work has been dealing with this since he was a child and he sort of is resigned to things. I think he takes a huge dose of Verapamil every day. 

    I'm trying to encourage him to try new things but he basically has tried everything he tells me. He thinks he just has to "grow out of it" in time.

    Here is a quote from my Buddhist mentor Daisaku Ikea that I hope gives everyone strength and courage to keep fighting and believing that this can and will be defeated! Wishing you and your families good health because that is really what's most important. To be healthy.  To your excellent health always, Jimmy-

    Hope transforms pessimism into optimism. Hope is invincible. Hope changes everything. It changes winter into summer, darkness into dawn, descent into ascent, barrenness into creativity, agony into joy. Hope is the sun. It is light. It is passion. It is the fundamental force for life’s blossoming.


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  17. Thank you CHfather and Spiny so much. Your support and help is greatly needed and appreciated.

    Batch emailed me and was a HUGE help. He basically said I am taking the right regimen but asking about a different loading dosage. All of the VD-3 stuff is a little tough for me to understand and implement but I will get help and figure out it so I do it correctly.

    This last week has been better. About 5 days without night attacks (which to me are the worst attacks because they rob my sleep/energy).

    I've had 2 daytime attacks in the last 48 hours that I was able to beat down using Excedrin Migraine.

    I just started taking Verapamil today. 80mg tables, 3 times a day, every 5 hours per doc's prescription.

    I'm scared to take the Verapamil because of cardio risk. But maybe it could help knock me out of the cycle I am in?

    I'm hoping the cycle will dissipate naturally as it has it the past.

    I hope you guys and your family members are doing great and NOT struggling with any pain.

    You gave me lots to think about regarding caffeine, going gluten free, etc.

    I'm throwing so much against the wall right now that it's hard to know what's exactly working but I am doing better.

    To your health and happiness always my friends,


    PS: I'm praying for every CH sufferer and every pain sufferer in the world very day. 

  18. Dear Friends, just wanted to update you on things with me. Believe me, I am thinking about all of you every day. Especially those who are struggling. I wanted to see if anyone has had any any success or somehow broken through to become consistently pain-free? I'm not ready to hit the shrooms but I won't rule it out.

    Here's what i have done just recently:

    * Doctor just put me on Verapamil. 80mg tablets 3 times a day. I haven't started yet but will any day now (insurance reasons).

    * Trying to get dissolvable Maxalt but fighting with insurance company to get more than 9 in a 30 day period. 

    * Been gluten free now for about 4 days,. Also no sugar or dairy. Many are telling me that this could be a game changer. My doctor thinks it won't make a difference.

    * Trying to conserve the medication I have. was using Frovatriptan as a preventative but only worked 50% of the time. When i get an attack, I have had some Zomeg a friend of mind gave me. 

    * Lately I have been getting more daytime attacks which is odd because I typically get the attacks 2 hours after I fall asleep.

    * Oxygen working a little better now that I have a higher flow regulator (max 15 LPM). If I catch an attack early I can knock it out, if caught late, the oxygen does;t work.

    * Have tried migraine excedrin a few times and it actually has worked. 

    * I have also stopped drinking caffeine. 

    * A friend of mine who gets migraines is telling me about Hemp Oil (CBD) which she says helps. 

    * I've reached out to "Batch" to get more info on this vitamin D3 regimen which I am not taking correctly at this time according to CHfather. I will still try this regimen as I hear it has great success.

    * I've tried taking Benadryl at night and Melatonin/Magnesium but can't say it's helped much or that I have noticed any difference.

    I might be doing too many things and confusing myself but I feel like I have to try multiple things to get some impactful results.

    If anyone has had impactful success with anything, please share it with me. I have heard that "busting" works but I'm nervous about that.

    Thank you and here's to your health and success!



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