Hey guys, this is my first post here and I just wanted to say hello. I started a new cycle on September 4th. This is my fourth time through it. First one started in 2009 When I was 21. I Was diagnosed with CH maybe 4 years ago by my GP who recognized it right away. They come every other day, always at night although each cycle is a little different. Earliest was on Thursday it came at 7 pm. Those are not as bad as the sleeping ones. Last night was the worst. It started around 3, but I feel back sleep, woke up at 5:30 and it felt like my brain was bleeding. They have always been about 45 minutes to an hour, but the last few were closer to two hours and they are getting more intense. Shadow lasts most of the next day, and then the day after a have a lot of tingling during the day before the attack comes on in the evening.
It was cool to see a community of people that deal with the same thing that I do. Most people I know really don't get it at all. It's impossible to explain, people get this weird look on their face when u try to talk to them about it. I think I'm one of the lucky ones though. Sounds like a lot of you have it worse than me.
I haven't seen my doctor yet, but in the past I have taken verapamil and that worked pretty well. I Took imitrex once. Never again, it was awful. I've never seen a neurologist and haven't had any brain scans done. I have also been diagnosed with severe depression, generalized anxiety, social anxiety disorder, and ADHD, as well as potential Central Auditory Processing Disorder. I took some tests a while back which showed severely impaired short term memory. All that it is to say, does anyone else have similar things a long with CH, and should a see a neurologist or just continue with my GP? I gave up on therapy because they were too patronizing.
Sorry that was kind of long winded. Come say hello, and thanks for listening.