Hello again everyone. Last time I was here I was in a really bad place. I'm doing much better but I am also concerned. I did over a 10day loading dose of the D3 regimen. I had the 25(OH)D test done on Friday. My level is 106! I did some digging because I'm sure I had another doctor tell me my D level was low before. Turns out. In July, my level was 29. So I have a marker. I was taking 50,000ius for about 13 days before the test and I am 106. It's safe to conclude that I was in the k ow range before.
What should my D3 dose be now that I'm at the right level?
Problems: my concern stems from shadows I've been having. As I stated in earlier lost the doctors put me on 60mg prednisone. They wanted to do a longer taper. But I started tapering Saturday. I only went from 60mg to 40. I got a pretty strong shadow that night. I wouldn't even call it a shadow because it lasted a good 40 mins. It just lacked the intensity. No pain Sunday. A couple shadows again today. At this point. If the D3 regimen was effective for me, would I still be getting shadows, even on 40mg prednisone? I'm worried that it is the prednisone that is keeping them away. Not the success of the regimen.
I would actually be content if the D3 did not make me headache free, but turned down the intensity. I'm not gonna give up in it. Just looking for input with my logic.