Hi, I've read alot about the negative side effects but to each there own right. I'm quite new to the forums but thought I'd give you my two cents about it. My PMD prescribed me Gabapentin about 2 months ago because my CHs were becoming very bad, and I was told to start with 900mgs a day (300mg capsules spread out 3 times a day) it took about 2 days to kick in but it saved my life in a way, my side effects were bad diarrhea for about a week and no appetite. But to me that was a small price to pay compared to about 4 CHs a day. Its 2 months later and I'm currently taking Verapamil as it is seeming to do wonders right now. I just stopped Gab 3 days ago due to getting Verapamil now but before I stopped I ended up having to up my dose to continue getting the benefits of Gabapentin. But if I'm being honest, try it and see what if any side effects, and if there manageable, go from there.