Hi Akiva,
I am one of the UNLUCKY ones that had a terrible response to verapamil. I took it once, and within two hours I was in the most excruciating pain of my life. I am currently in the middle of my 6 week fall cycle and the first half had me going through 2 oxygen tanks a week and getting up to 8 attacks a day. About a week ago I started taking 10,000iu a day of vitamin D3, and within a few days my attacks had gone from a kip 8-9 to a kip 2-3, and went from 8 attacks a day to 3. I went 3 days without any attacks at all, and yesterday I had one that lasted all day, but it stayed around a kip 3-4 instead of 8-9. Today I am pain free and have not had any attacks. I also started drinking about 90oz of water a day.
Good luck, remember you're not alone.