Hi All, sorry for the delayed response - I am strict keto - less than 10 net grams a day. No added sugar at all. I eat meat and vegetables, butter, cheese and eggs. My meal plan is balanced with approximately 80/15/5 so basically the only carbs I get are from fresh vegetables, its moderate protein I believe the key for me is definitely staying at a high level of ketosis with a lot of fat. ( this was a major change for me - I was very low fat and high carb)
I would be interested in any studies on long term studies as every thing I’m.reading points to this way of eating as very sustainable with no adverse side effects. I realize some think it’s a fad and some who do it - don’t do it in a healthy way. That could be the difference- there is healthy keto, vegan keto, and all different types of keto but how they eating to get there? If its the fake keto chemical laden foods then I can agree - it’s not healthy
I’m so happy to report I’m still pain FREE and feel amazing! I haven’t had 15 pain free days without meds in at least 5 years! Sleeping 7-8 hours at night with no fear or dread of waking up with one and being exhausted all day.
I’m not sure if or when I will try to add more carbs, I’m not willing to try it yet! It’s been 15 days so still new to me .
Also the only people who need to worry about keto acidosis is Type 1 diabetics.
I will continue to update also wanted to clarify I don’t know about “cure” I’m using the word “manage” for now just because if you go back to eating like you normally did (according to the patients in the study) they come back. Thank you all for your comments- I would definitely recommend it to anyone to try and see what happens! It may work great for you too! Check with your dr tho. Big group hug!