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  1. Thanks Batch. I have been on those new D3-50 for about 3 weeks now. Yesterday was my 3rd day in a row without a headache....which has not happened since this new cycle began so hopefully I am turning the corner.
  2. OK, so I really need to get it over 81.4 ng/mL! As I said, my labs were 79 ng/mL back in March but dropped to 55.18 ng/mL in June.....probably not a coincidence that the Beast returned within a month. I've been taking the 50,000 iu D3 vitamins for about 2 weeks.....we will see what happens and I'll update next month when I get my labs rechecked.
  3. I first discovered Batch's D3 regimen on this site 4 years ago, back in July 2016. Eager to try anything I began the protocol and after 3-4 weeks with no relief in sight I was beginning to doubt if this treatment would work for me. I remember sometime after the 3rd or 4th week, the headaches stopped and I was in remission for 4 years (still taking the recommended daily doses every single day) I remember I had just (finally) gotten my oxygen prescription filled/delivered like a week before my last headache...only used these new oxygen tanks that I had to move mountains for 2 maybe 3 times. They've sat in the corner of my bedroom for the last 4 years, collecting dust. I contemplated getting the Oxygen Company to come pick them up, since I was still having to pay for them! Well, I'm glad that I did not because the Beast returned Friday June 26, 2020. After almost 4 years of remission, here he was again. Disappointment would be a huge understatement because I had never really gone more that 1-1.5 years in remission since I was first diagnosed back in 2007. I thought this D3 regimen would keep me pain free forever, but nothing lasts forever, right?? I get labs done every frequently by my PCP for other reasons, so 2 weeks ago I decided to look back over this years labs and see what my D3 levels have been each time they were drawn. This is what I found: On 3/12/2020 my Vitamin D was 79 ng/mL, on 5/20/20 it was 55.18 ng/mL and on 7/22/20 it was 61.58 ng/mL. Since I have been taking the same amount of D3 (same brand too) every day for years I started wondering, WFT happened between March 12 and May 20th to make my Vitamin D levels drop so much and then I remembered.....COVID happened! I was furloughed from work on Monday Mar 23rd (and still am to this day) and did not go outside my house but maybe 2 times a week for at least the first couple of months during quarantine! No sun....no natural D3! That's got to be the reason, right?!?! I think I read somewhere that the desired levels of Vitamin D3 is in the 60's but can't remember. I've restarted the regimen loading doses again (50,000iu per day for 12 days) to spike my D3 levels back up but I was wondering if anyone else had any experiences like this or input? On a side note, I use to be able to abort the cycles completely my micro-dosing small amounts of those other things, when/if I could ever find any. I was able to find some of those a few weeks back but this time they have not helped one bit. Nothing. Does anyone else find that with each new cycle, whenever they come, that some things that worked in the past no longer work? Does elements of the cycle change? I used to NEVER get them in the middle of the night.....now I get them almost every night this time. I used to never get more than one a day....now I've gotten more than 10X per day multiple times this go round.....fortunately, the oxygen worked every single time I used it....until yesterday.....when for the first time it did not. I got to the oxygen in plenty of enough time, but after 20 minutes if had not done anything to abort the attack. I feel like this thing has a mind of it's own and every time I discover a road block, it figures out a way to circumvent it! What the heck......
  4. Batch,

    I wanted t let you know that I started your D3 regimen back in July 2016. It took about 4 weeks before anything happened and although I was discouraged, because some have reported relief much quicker, I stuck with it. I have not had a CH in nearly 3 years! In the decade prior to starting the regimen, I had never gone more than 15 moths without a cycle. I have had many shadows over the past 3 years but never had a CH materialize.

    I have found that, for me anyway, it really does not matter the brand of vitamin that I use. So long as they are the 5,000 IU D3 and 500mg of Magnesium.

    I just wanted to share on here, to everyone, and thank you. You have changed my life in a way that I can never repay.

    Here's to many more years of relief! Thanks, buddy!

    1. xxx



      Thanks for the update.  I just replied to your post over at CH.com.

      Take care,

      V/R, Batch

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