In the total crap hole that was 2020, I didn't have ANY cluster episodes. On Thanksgiving, I felt some onset/shadow and aborted with a 5 hr energy. Then at 12:15am on January 1st, I was woken up (yes, because I was already in bed ) by a full ch attack and am now up to at least 12 for this year.
I definitely slacked on my vitamin regimen sooo I've got that going again. Plus a dr appointment scheduled where I demand O2. I did the sphenocath SPG block procedure in the summer of 2019 and I think that is a lot of why I had a good run so I made a phone call about doing that again and am waiting to hear back. Looking up ordering rc seeds. Basically not resting on my laurels this time!
Last night when it woke me up (the midnight trend has continued), I reallllllly didn't want to go through my whole thing so I took a 5hr energy, hoping that since I had already taken some melatonin it would balance out. It did not So today hasn't been a very fun day (Also had another attack wake me up from the 2 hrs of sleep I did get after that)
Does anybody else have an acupressure mat? That provides me some relief as a new step in my ice pack-hot shower dance. Also alternate nostril breathing if my nose isn't too stuffy.
Oh the upside of being up all night is that my cats cuddled me and I finished "The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson.
Anyway, hope you all are doing as well as possible and thanks for having me back!