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Everything posted by mr_watts

  1. thanks so much for sharing @Johnd1983- super useful to read about your experience with this. I’ve used Wim Hof before for meditation but am very interested in giving this a go when an attack hits. I’m currently waiting on a referral to get oxygen prescribed and will test this out in the interim.
  2. Hey there Clusterheads, One of the things that’s been frustrating me recently is explaining cluster headaches to my family and psychologist. I’m going through some big life events at the moment and several family members + my therapist all seem to have decided they cluster headaches must be caused by stress. This isn’t helped by the fact my CH pattern seems to have become increasingly variable over the past few years. Now, I’m not totally opposed to this theory. But from all my reading and from my experience, this seems to be a simplification of the situation. I have two questions for you all: 1. Has anyone else identified psychological stress as being a primary trigger for headaches? 2. What are your experiences with explaining the seemingly random nature of your headaches to family and friends - does my experience chime with anyone else’s?! Thanks and sending you all good vibes!
  3. Hey @Cast Iron Wow - thank you for this information! I’m going to see if my Huisarts can refer me directly to Dr. Courtier and will take it from there. Much appreciated. Great to have connected with you - I’m in Amsterdam too but have yet to meet another cluster head. Hopefully that will happen one day in the not too distant future Will report back on any success - fingers crossed.
  4. I generally find that I can return to normal a few weeks after a cycle is over. Having said that, as my attacks have gotten worse I’ve become less and less willing to do the beer test. In some ways, I think it’s destroyed my appetite for it. I’ve found certain types of exercise can trigger during a cycle (CrossFit or heavy weights) so I tend to refrain during attacks. But once I’m in the all clear; that’s one thing I’m not willing to give up!
  5. Hey all, I’ve been reading this forum for the past two years or so but this is my first post. Thank you everyone here for all the amazing help and information you provide. I’m British but I currently live in the Netherlands and have had CH for about 10 years now. In the past 2 years things have really ramped up, with attacks getting more frequent (every two months or so) and much more painful. I was using some busting techniques but have a history of addiction and have decided I can no longer walk that path. I’ve asked my neurologist if he can help prescribe oxygen for me, but he’s said that I can only have oxygen if I come into A&E during an attack. I have two young daughters I look after (4 months and 3 years old) and the thought of leaving the house at night in the middle of an attack with them to go and explain what’s happening at the hospital seems daunting and incredibly stressful. Is this normal? Or should I press to get oxygen at home? Thanks in advance for any comments and tips!
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