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Everything posted by RickJim

  1. Do you still have this device availble? If so I would like to get it please.
  2. Hello team - for the people that use verapamil. Do you stop eating dairy or drinking calcium fortified drinks? I have read that supplemental calcium may decrease the effects of calcium channel blockers. So I am wonder if I should avoid dairy and soy/oat milk that has calcium added?
  3. Hi Mark - I had a very similar experience as you described. Emgality worked at first and then it made the headaches worse. When I stopped the medication my regular cycle came worse than ever and for the full amount of weeks as before but totally off season. I feel that Emgality just pushed my cycle and made it worse.
  4. RickJim


    For me Emgality and Aimovig worked only partially. The first month worked great for 3 weeks, then 2nd worked only for 2 weeks, 3rd month only for a few days. Same dose every month.
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