Were still alive after these brutal headaches.. I got to give it our bodies to manage to be able to do it...over the past 20 years I have been to doctors all over Arizona..Neurologist as well.. Dr.Din from Tucson was the first one to know what I was talking about without having to google what I am saying...Numerous medication and oxygen that have no effect so i started my own tests...First test i did was hard on me because it's not me to act like this But I STOPPED GIVING A SHIT ABOUT ALOT OF THINGS..like what people think about me for one..or how late I'm up...I mean I still keep house and myself up to par of course but I stopped worrying about so much around me and maybe it's the stress level that helped me and it reduced alot..then when an attack would drop me to tears and on my knees I would jump in my truck and hit the back road with the pedal to the floor to hit my ADRENALIN and just like that my headache would be gone...almost everytime now I find a way to hit my ADRENALIN and they fade away fast...I go through alot of tires but well worth it to me... My Cycle is as almost done for the year I am down to my 1 cluster headache a day which is all year...better than 6 7 or 8 a day during the cycle...STAY HEAD STRONG EVERYONE