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Jenn B

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  1. I'd be curious to hear how people's experience with Nurtec is going given that this thread was from 6 months ago. I was recently diagnosed with "difficult to diagnose" headaches. I have long thought I suffered from CHs, but my symptoms aren't quite textbook. I found this forum and just last week had an appointment with one of the headache doctors recommended here (Dr. Mauskop at NY Headache Center). He said that while uncommon, it's not unheard of that I don't fall neatly into one category. I have some symptoms of cluster but also some symptoms of migraine. He said the good news is that there are only a few medications that are effective for both. He suggested Nurtec to replace the Imitrex I've been using, which really knocks me on my ass and leaves me with some unpleasant side effects. Unfortunately, I don't have any drug coverage with my health plan. This leaves me unable to use the drug manufacturer's discount card. I also make too much money for financial assistance ($36K is their cutoff). The drug goes for about $900 for 8 pills. Dr. Mauskop is sending me a couple of samples to try so I can see if it works before I even consider forking over that kind of money. The "good" news is I only get about 20 migraines a year, in about 5-6 cycles that last up to a week at a time (the headaches come on around the same time each day but often skip a day or two in each cycle). So I could probably get away with 8 pills for the whole year, which may be worth it if it really stops it in its tracks. Curious to know what others' experience is. Thanks! Jenn
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