I am completely screwed up as a result of the COVID. It just took everything out of me to fight it (I was sent home without therapeutics of course even though I felt like I was dying ) and left me totally exhausted. Plus, because I can’t really be around others for the past month, once I was well enough again I have to go into work late and work into the night while no one else is there……so the schedule change has thrown me out of whack and my sleep schedule is a mess. Plus the stress of having to keep up with my workload does not help matters. Our busy season lasts a couple more months but once the damn cough subsides (I feel good COVID wise but because of the cough still have to keep to myself) hopefully I can go back to a more normal schedule.
I am so thankful for everyone here who understands and shares tips. So few people (medical professionals included) know what CH is so it’s up to us to support each other!