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Everything posted by sls08221

  1. I hope I’m not infringing on this thread as I do not suffer from the headaches. However I am a 37yr old male, former body builder I’ve know about the shot for years. I finally decided to try something new. My right elbow has been torn up for the better part of 10yrs (tendinitis), of course I’ve got lower back problems, hip problems, a screaming sciatic, I usually spend 7-10hrs in bed twisting flopping to get 3-4hrs worth of sleep. I hurt all night and can’t get/stay comfortable. I’ve known “of” people that have gotten it but did not know anyone personally until just about a month ago. He’s an older guy with several ailments said he cut his arthritis and neuropathy meds in half after 48hrs of the shot and hasn’t had a sinus problem one, this is a man who was typically on a z pack twice a month. Any way fast forward I made the appointment and saw Dr. Rick yesterday at this moment I’m a little less than 24hrs, but there’s no pain in my back, elbow, or sciatic. The $300 was worth every penny just for the sleep I got last night alone. He was straight forward with me as I’m not diabetic, non smoker, in good health and very active there’s a chance I’ll be a candidate to need the shot a couple mate even 3x a year (which is the max). I know some people would frown or be upset or whatever but $900/yr to feel like I do this morning is worth every cent even if it is a 500mile round trip for me. I also noticed the last 6 months or so it doesn’t matter how good or how bad or how much I eat, I bloat to a painful point every time. Now I just go on and it dies down in a few hours. I’m not a go to the dr kinda guy. I stopped on the way home yesterday had a roadside bbq sandwich that I knew I was going to be miserable all the way home, but no issues whatsoever, ate way too much at dinner I think the steroid blend hit and I was starving. But, it was the same thing no bloat no pain. I’ll try to update in a month or so if I remember but I’d def tell anyone thinking about to do a bit of research a d make their own decision but I am now a firm believer in Dr. Rick and the dexalog12 injection.
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