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Brooklyn77 last won the day on March 9

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  • Cluster Headache Community
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  1. I always thought mine were positive too. Usually at the end of successful busts. This is the first time I’ve had that feeling while not busting. Been pretty much every day the last few days. Hoping its a good thing. Thank you @dmlonghorn !! Merry Christmas!
  2. Well that makes me feel better that its at least not just me haha. Does it usually indicate anything positive or negative to you as far as busting or undetermined haha?
  3. Hello friends, I wanted to see if I could gather some information about a weird side effect. This is hard to describe so bear with me haha. When using Vitamin L, sometimes I get a weird clicking/popping/pop rocks cracking feeling/sound in my head. I wouldn’t say its directly in my ear or eye, feels more in my brain. There’s no pain. Its usually when a bust is working and towards the end of the trip. I always take it as a good sign. After 10 strong busts (and a few more that weren’t the right dose before that), I am 5 weeks CH free. My last bust was 8 days ago. My shadows have been still present but slowly getting shorter/less noticeable/less frequent. The last 3 nights I have felt the popping/clicking which has never happened outside of the busting for me. I think I’ve maybe felt it during the end of a headache before but its hard to remember now. I’ve tried searching but mostly are seeing people talking about it in their jaw and during a headache. Just wondering if anyone knows anything. Worried this means my cycle is kicking back up and I should keep busting. After 10 plus busts I am very much looking forward to a break, but getting headaches again wouldn’t be worth it.
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