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  1. My first neurologist appointment was yesterday, and he said oxygen was difficult to get through insurance, yet he knew I was on Medicare. I got better care from a friend who without asking him did research on cluster headaches and gave me something that knocked it out in a week's time! I hope I am not speaking prematurely but I'll know for sure in the next few days when I stop taking it.
  2. After you get the script where to you go to get the oxygen? Can it be gotten from a pharmacy like Walmart?
  3. No MRI just an ultrasound of the arteries on my neck. I had several cat scans done prior, but he had no interest in them either. His attitude was how are you feeling and here take these as prescribed. The only thing he said about oxygen is it's hard to get a prescription approved for that. He's the nearest neurologist to me and I had to drive almost 3 hours to his office.
  4. I went to my first neurologist appointment yesterday and he had no interest in finding a cause or a solution for me. Quote: put Maxalt under your tongue when you're having an attack and then inject 3 times with Emgality and you should be fine until you have another attack about the same time next year. He had no interest in previous trauma that I had on my left side about a decade ago or even current symptoms that I am dealing with that may or may not be related. I guess I am on my own and I am glad Cluster Buster is here to help me.
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